I saw Jordorowsky's Dune. I didn't like it too much despite being a huge fan of the book. Too many people praising what would have been "amazing" yet the reality is the movie would have been 4 or 5 hours and probably unwatchable.
I saw Jordorowsky's Dune. I didn't like it too much despite being a huge fan of the book. Too many people praising what would have been "amazing" yet the reality is the movie would have been 4 or 5 hours and probably unwatchable.
Most likely, so long as you play your copy before December 31. It's not accessible from Gears Ultimate they will send out codes. I hear they give you the codes for the games on December 1.
I can't say I agree with this review, but it's your review and I would rather have an honest review than one that sugar coats its flaws. I definitely agree about the microtransactions and I really doubt I will be playing much more multiplayer, especially when Reach is available on Xbox One.
I still enjoyed the heck out of the game, even if it is probably the least replayable in the series. Storywise it was painfully obvious early on the "Hunt the Chief" thing was marketing BS. "Hunt Cortana" would have been more accurate. Still, my generous, uncritical score would be a 4/5.
Bioshock Infinite does have such a cool universe. It's too bad the multiplayer got axed. That had so much potential.
Legend of Dragoon. That was the game that had me stop playing crappy licenced games and into a hardcore RPG gamer. My mind was blown again by FFVII directly after that.
Do I want to know what you mean by an attack on Christmas?
I'm seeing the new Bond film tomorrow. Looking forward to it, though I'm not expecting it to be near as good as Skyfall was.
I'm looking forward to playing Gears Judgment again when I get my free copy via the Ultimate edition. I didn't care for the campaign, but Horde/Survival mode is always the best.
It was a pain signing up, but I donated $5 or about 7 Canadian Space Bucks!
I have some friends who play Destiny a lot, even though I didn't like the vanilla game, I might get Taken King just as a way to play with them.
Man, you play a lot of games in one day. I rarely do more than two a day.
I also had no idea backwards compatibility was already available. Guess what I'm doing.
Edit: Looks like it's not available until November 12.