Will it be a video unboxing or a write up?
Just curious.
Will it be a video unboxing or a write up?
Just curious.
What does CIS mean?
yet these are the moments that make me glad I keep my distance from human interacton...
at least it wasn't a trick. My wife asked me if I wanted a PS4 or an Xbox One awhile back but I was too afraid to answer. I thought it might've been a trick/trap....
It took me a moment there but I saw what you did there, even if some of them weren't "losers" or "winners" in "certain' categorys. =)
So long as they don't re-release this comic as a Utra Origins or Hyper Super Mega Ultra Awesome Origins story I could see myself checking this out one day. Stil waiting on that Ultra Street Fighter 4 release though...
I can atleast give this game a go since I've yet to check out the music. Let's see if my netbook can hack it!
I noticed that phone awhile back. That's the one that can't use instragram is it not?
I was thinking if I ever got a smart phone I'd try to get something like that. Never liked the current phones that do somewhat decent shots up close but I perfer to have a camera that can do more than just that.
And that's why I'd never be able to pull those kind of perdictions off. I guess I'm to harsh personally when it comes to games. Plus I did my best to fully keep myself away from the new generation of gaming until now. Good calls just the same.
Ah yes, who can forget this complication. Even though I enjoyed this game's version of SOTN I wish we could get the Sega Saturn version even though I'm told I'm not missing much. At least the voice work is better. Even though I enjoyed playing Rondo of Blood in both versions it still doesn't beat playing the original-ish off of Virtual Console.
I need to check this tune out soon. I'm so behind on all the music themed blogs on here. I'm just not in the right situation to listen to these right now (reading all of this at work right now and not allowed to play music during my lunch break, espeically after the one Metal Monday blog I happen to listen to during that time...)