I've been playing this at the moment. It's fun for a while, but hopefully some people make more content soon, because you run out of stuff to do pretty quick. Tremendous fun whilst it lasts though!
I've been playing this at the moment. It's fun for a while, but hopefully some people make more content soon, because you run out of stuff to do pretty quick. Tremendous fun whilst it lasts though!
Interesting. Might have to check this out...
Jesus. Asylum is still my favourite though, despite some cool stuff in City.
Jesus Christ this takes me back. I loved my gameboy as a kit...
If you want a good metroidvania game, check out Valdis Story: The Abyssal City. I should have a review out for it tomorrow. It's fucking sweet.
Paper Mario... the best marios ever.
You made a good choice in avoiding contrast. It's pretty fucking terrible.
Ooh. I want to join your cult! It's the one where we apparently we're apparently rapists/predophiles because we like naked women right?
Oh yeah. And there's the fact that people who are 16 can look and behave more adult than an 18 year old. Realistically, young women will always be attractive to males because that's when they start to become sexual beings. I mean in the middle east they get married and start having babies at 13-14. It'd suck ass to go from there to here when you're accustomed to dating much younger than you are.
I don't know who that is... but that's college for you. We do that even once a year. I'd love to do it tiwce but my liver would die.