I reviewed Starlink last year.
I can't imagine getting anything but the Switch version, though, because of Star Fox.
I think the only other Starlink thing I'd get is the Razor figure, because I think she looks cool. But the figures are so dinky it would have to be REALLY cheap for me to get it. And I really don't play Starlink anymore anyway.
I've never played Advance Wars or Fire Emblem. Just not into strategy.
In Wind Waker's defense, and this is kind of a weak excuse, but in past Zelda games since Link to the Past, running into trees to knock things down from them has been kind of a puzzle staple. Plus it's just fun to make Link run into things like an idiot.
I use guides all the time. No shame in that. Games are supposed to be fun, and getting stuck in one isn't. So whatever you have to do to make the game fun is fine.
I think we are spoiled with the Internet now, since it's so easy to look up a guide. Remember when we'd have to get an actual guide or wait for a magazine to get a solution to a game problem? I do miss print strategy guides, though. Many of them were MUCH better written than today's online guides.