It actually tends to be whatever I currently have in the disc tray. Right now that is Crysis 2.
It actually tends to be whatever I currently have in the disc tray. Right now that is Crysis 2.
Wurm: Journey to the Center of the Earth
I think that once nintendo gets their big franchises out onto the Wii U things will turn around. I know that I have been given permission to get a Wii U once Mario Kart comes out.
EA not developing for the Wii U is somewhat distressing, but I do not think that it will make much of a difference. I will most likely get a Wii U at some point in the near future, but I will be getting it for all of the nintendo games.
Well, I guess I know what I am going to be doing this evening.
I have been trying to figure out how I would want to make transmetropolitan into a game... All I know is that it needs to have a bowel disruptor.
Love the bowtie, because lets face it, bowties are cool.
On a side note, people born in april tend to be pretty awesome.
Man... and all along i was thinking that taking a baseball bat to my ps3 would fix it.