Can't wait! (Thumbs up)
Can't wait! (Thumbs up)
I don't mind "action combat" but at the same time I don't think a turn based battle-system is a terrible archaic design choice. Back then I played Final Fantasy for the story. (You know, when Final Fantasy stories were actually rather good) I also liked having a moment to strategize my next move. In some ways it was more fulfilling than button mashing and flashy effects.
Besides, about the time gamers were saying "Turn-based is dead" Persona 4 released and sold like hotcakes. Just saying! (But uh yeah, they did make Persona 3 & Persona 4 into a fighting game too. )
I'm with you. The PS3 library appeals more to my tastes as well. Only reason I ended up with a 360 was because the PS3 was so gosh darned expensive when it first launched. (Those tossers wanted $600.00 for it! What the hell?)
I still might give Arrested Development a chance. I mean I did like House MD for awhile. I'm not entirely against cynical humor. lol.
You get to meet Neil? Lucky bastard. lol. Wish I could be in London right now. I burn with the envy of a thousand suns!
I agree E3 should judge applicants based on professionalism. Sure maybe Gamer Dad didn't get a gazillions hits a day but the point is you have been a game journalist for a long time,Cary. (By contrast I'm simply a guy who blogs about my favorite hobby. lol.) I'm psyched for Dragon's Crown too. Love its' art-style!
This really was a great videogame movie. It actually surprised me in a good way. The actress who played as Tamina was smoking hawt! I also agree the costumes were perfect. Aka, they were nice to look at but not over the top to the point they were gaudy and unrealistic.
I think they should present a brand new troubled protagonist, brand new monsters, and a brand new scenario. Aka, that way they can actually surprise us. We already know the twist with James and his wife Mary. I also don't want them using any other pre-existing characters either.
I find shows like this depressing. Aka, they show the worst of human nature and even in real life I get a dose of that everyday from the news. It would be different if these characters were slowly working through their own problems to redeem themselves but instead they wallow in their unlikable flaws.
Regardless, I'm sure it's a brilliant show with good acting. It's simply not my cup of tea.
SH isn't the greatest at "jump scares" but it excels at tension and atmosphere. Aka, it's the type of fear that slowly creeps up on you and touches you with its' icy fingers, leaving its' mark on your psyche long after you've stopped playing. Hope that helps,Matt!