I have only seen two tom baker stories, genesis of the daleks and robots of death. They are both fantastic. Patrick Troughton is probably my favourite classic incarnation, eventhough I love them all... even colin.
I have only seen two tom baker stories, genesis of the daleks and robots of death. They are both fantastic. Patrick Troughton is probably my favourite classic incarnation, eventhough I love them all... even colin.
I will agree, not really loyal to a specific console. I just want the best games.
since i am a grinder, i prefer my jrpgs on handhelds, but i wouldnt mind some on a console.
I need more exclusives than just halo. gears of war does not do it for me and neither does forza.
After hearing so many different things, from so many different sources I am unsure as to what to believe. Microsoft would be a fool not to use blu-ray discs... and it would be foolish to go always-online.
unless I recall, ground zeroes is the only reason you would have to go onto the next generation. And that has to be the greatest game ever in order for you to even contemplate.
since i rarely seem to touch any sort of dlc that I buy, I just got a regular copy of skyrim.
Stupid auto correct. I will look into Sam and Max.
I worked with a big comic book fan, he gave me some places to start. anything by loeb & sale tenda to be worth reading, long holloween, spiderman blue, daredevil yellow, hulk gray, superman for all seasons. all star supermnanny grant Morrison is one of my favourite stories ever. I also have found that I love almost all of the vertigo titles, v for vendetta, watchmen, transmetropolitan and sandman.
V as in v for vendetta
Spider Jerusalem is from Transmetropolitan
The Elongated Man is some random character I fell in love with when I got around to reading "52" the year long arc after infinity crisis. He and his wife were the focus of identity crisis.