good point. I had pushed that from my mind. i just would like to know whether or not the always-online is true. That makes being excited so much easier.
good point. I had pushed that from my mind. i just would like to know whether or not the always-online is true. That makes being excited so much easier.
true, at the same time... I see it as a potential opportunity to dust off the older consoles.
As I think about it, i am nearly always online with my current xbox. I like the option of not having to be connected, but if I am already there does it matter?
and sometimes doing wrong my your loyal customers can still make you filthy rich.
I wonder why they pushed it off so far? Especially with E3 going to be a couple of weeks later. Why not announce it now, and then let the excitement settle down, and blow everybody away again with games at e3...
Animal crossing has to be far more exciting than a console announcement. Sadly I have never played any of those games.
Guess I know what game I am going to need to get soon.
if you count the vertigo subprint of dc that makes it super easy.
Superman, Batman, Spider Jerusalem, V, and The Elongated Man.
IN my time between getting ready for work and leaving for work, I can get about an hour of playtime in. The other day I ended up losing nearly all of that time to logging into xbox live. I could not remember what my email was, or my password, and then they asked me for my phone number. What a hassle.
I had trouble with the psp controls. So, i look forward to playing the peace walker hd version.