Not like anything you have played and its nothing like final fantasy tactics but you will like it.
Not like anything you have played and its nothing like final fantasy tactics but you will like it.
Theres so many games now days thats rushing there release and just making a good game bad and not just SC series either they have a promised release date and fall behind and instead of doing the right thing and delaying the game they rush it out the door EA is known for doing this, at any rate more and more games are forgetting what made there games popular in the first place, which is storymode I personally dont care for online play im a lone gamer and like it that way and if these companys want to screw us loners so they can kater to the online games so be it but the will be doing it without my $60.
I got the same issue yesterday to, and in my opinion in most rpgs im more interested in the towns and npcs then the actual gameplay and as far as combat being nessesary just look at River King a wonderful Journey a blog I posted not long ago, theres no combat in this game at all and its a great game in my opinion, but it just goes to show you dont have to be leveling up and slaughtering tons of monsters to have a good game.
Its not anything like FFTactics or anything like it, its in a league all its own.
Glad your with the rest of us 1uppers, anyway Skyrims dlc is alot bigger then I had first thought especially Dawn Guard and Xcom enemy unknown is one of my favorite games on the 360 and one you will love if you like strategy games,and as far as the ps4 goes im still undecided whether I will get the ps4 or the 720 I am sure that the 720 will launch before the ps4 at least thats what Sony said and really Im not to impressed by any of the games for the ps4 or 720 at launch, and I may just wait a year before I decide cause the systems always seem to be buggy at launch or until they get all the kinks ironed out.
I think well on two of the systems at any rate
1. Xbox 360 Skyrim
2. Ps2 Soul Nomad ( by the way the big ps2 is the best version of the ps2 i hated the slim version, i guess im just oldnschool though.
Thoughs would be my picks on best game, but as always just my opinion.
And I made these pics big on purpose so you can see the detail in these types of games.the 1st pic is the world pic the second is the city veiw. oh and these pics are the Japanese pics they are in english in the north american game.
LMAO!!!<well put Wayde A cat hopped up on expresso thats about right I get on call of duty and theyncall me a camper cause I like to snipe well hell last time I checked thats what a sniper is supposed to do is camp anyway lol yes thatsnthe best comparison I have seen yet yes you have a country manage political,economics,diplomacy etc and go to war with other countrys with your main goal being eliminate all countrys its really interesting cause you can ally with countrys steal other countrys generals etc while at the same time there doing this to you to. The only games I have seen are on the ps2 last one being Romance of the three Kingdoms
No there isnt many only two that I know of one on the nes and the Genghis Khan 2 on the super nes