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Super Step's Comments - Page 268

Cary's Best Games of 2017 Awards Show!

Posted on 01/26/2018 at 01:24 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'd love an SNES Mini. Are they available at retail, or is it like the NES Mini, where you have to buy for an exorbitant amount from a shady eBay dealer? 

I need to download Garvity Rush 2. I forget where I was on my rental from last year, but I'll probably just restart the game. 

Ultimate Frustration

Posted on 01/26/2018 at 12:52 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I am still tempted to buy one of those backward compatible PS3s, but I don't because I know something like that would happen, where it wouldn't play the games I wanted it to. 

I got annoyed with the random inventory puzzles in Broken Age, myself. I usually like the stories in point-and-clicks enough to keep going, but those puzzles really annoy me as well. The only point-and-click adventure whose puzzles I really enjoyed was Tormentum: Dark Sorrow. Those puzzles actually did have a logical flow to them. 

I usually suck terribly at rythm games at first, but I got to a point in Elite Beat Agents where I could beat everything on S-rank. For me, it's a matter of finding exactly where in the beat the game wants me to push buttons, because it seems to change based on difficulty level. I should really break out Rocksmith again soon. 

I've never really watched Doctor WHo. I watched part of an episode on Netflix once and I just don't know if it's for me. 

Episode 127: 2017>1998?

Posted on 01/25/2018 at 09:56 AM | Filed Under Feature

That's a lot of Doom ...

Are You a BaD Enough Pixlbitch to do BaD?

Posted on 01/22/2018 at 01:59 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I honestly might sit the Super Bowl out this year unless I'm invited to a party. 

I also don't know how much time I'll really have for BaD. Probably short meme blogs on my end if anything, really. 

Adulthood sucks. 

Snow days are made for gaming

Posted on 01/21/2018 at 12:42 PM | Filed Under Blogs

My issue isn't that I think it is bad. It is just too long and I'll lose and regain interest too often for any consistency.

More Forza Horizon 3, Bailed on Okami, PS2 Didn't Work

Posted on 01/21/2018 at 12:40 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Nothing I hate more than not knowing where to go in a video game.

Snow days are made for gaming

Posted on 01/20/2018 at 12:38 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Good luck with Horizon. It is the first game I can remember having such an issue finishing.

PAX South Reviews

Posted on 01/20/2018 at 08:57 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I couldn't stand Yooka Laylee's slippery controls early on. The button presses in Hat in Time don't sound like they'd bother me.

PAX South Reviews

Posted on 01/19/2018 at 02:20 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I just hated Yooka Laylee so much, I don't see how A Hat in Time could be anything but better. But I'll have to reserve judgment until actually playing it. 

Quick Hits: Lazy Friday

Posted on 01/19/2018 at 01:51 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Ok, so I was basing what I said on Twitter the other day on the first trailer, which is the only one I saw. The second trailer for Tomb Raider does look more interesting, though I wish they'd stop remaking those old songs in the exact same boring way for every damn movie trailer. 

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