I really want to pull out my ps2 and play some of those games. There is just one tiny problem... my ps2 is 1800 miles away.
I really want to pull out my ps2 and play some of those games. There is just one tiny problem... my ps2 is 1800 miles away.
I would have prefered playing as cole.
My boss's boss is in an Irish band and they play around milwaukee for st paddy's day.
I wonder how many sales they are giving up by going always-online drm. if the numbers that I used are correct, there are 30 million housholds in the u.s. that couldnt get the game anyways because they do not have internet.
the weird thing is that i have put the most time into ff iv, but never beaten it.
I wish that I had $75,000 in singles. I would literally throw the bills at them.
I remember playing through the game and getting frustrated with the final boss. I quit, but i may still have my save file somewhere.
I look forward to it. While I have played each of them to some degree, i have only beaten vii.
I have bought random dlc over the years. I have also found that i rarely ever spend time with said dlc. I am excited for this though.
It has been a while, but I think that kingdom hearts made me angry and sad at the same time. I think that i will need to pull out my ps2 shortly.