Have you played Bubsy? How is it? What is SnipperClippers?
Have you played Bubsy? How is it? What is SnipperClippers?
That sucks. I'm watching Punisher on Netflix now.
I actually think the cutscenes are really funny and charming. It's when I'm in the middle of the game and they stop everything because they (admittedly, with good reason given the target market) assume I'm five and bring the game to a screeching halt to tell me exactly what to do and where to go that just ... Ugh.
Sounds kind of like those art games I get from PS+, like Bound and Abzu.
Maybe? Purple clouds make me think of GameCube.
I got N Sane Trilogy for Christmas and bought Lego city undercover on sale. Only thing I don't like about the latter is the constant stopping for explanations on where to go.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who just can't get going on horizon, but I just deleted all my saves and plan to start over.
Now I'm curious what the kids got.
Mass effect andromeda looked cool when I rented it, but I got tired of talking to people.
I hadn't heard of Early Man. I am going to see Disaster Artist tomorrow and maybe Jumanji at some point, cause it's getting surprisingly good reviews for being a funny video game movie! Did not see that coming.
I saw pretty much everything you did except The Star, and I liked but didn't love all of those. Well ok, I still can't get past the way those Snyder DC movies are edited, so I didn't like Justice League all that much.
Last Jedi had some hokey stuff and some of the jokes fell flat, but it had really cool action scenes, which is honestly why I see Star Wars.
Thor I would say is the best of those, cause it had the best humor and some cool action set pieces.
Coco got me misty-eyed as well.