It was deffinately designed to be a quarter eater.
It was deffinately designed to be a quarter eater.
Well, you have to cut loose every now and then. And that sounds really good, I think it would take an inhuman level of self contol not to indulge in some gormet junk food.
I have been poking around in Borderlands 1 (2009).
I think the main selling point for me was Elevator Action Returns. We had that one at our arcade back when I was in high school. My best friend and I used play the hell out of that game. Memories....
Yeah, not a fan either.lol
I have Taito Legends vol.2. I found it almost on accident. I didn't even know Taito had made any anthology collections. I need to track the first one down. I kind of remember playing this game once somewhere.
I like it. Plus its better than the other more obvious play on words, Dub Step.lol
I picked this up from PSN as well not long ago. I have only played through the tutorial, but it impressed me . I liked the unique approach to how you move and attack. And it looked to have a pretty deep skills and gear management element too.
It really is a tough one to finish. I have started this game twice and have yet to finish it. But I know I will one day because what kept me playing was the dark story, beautiful sprite graphics, and impressive music score that created a game dripping with atmospere. A lot of people tried to label it a Zelda clone, but what action rpg isn't. I would think with the resurgence in popularity of really tough games (Dark Souls, Ninja Gaiden) that it would be a badge of honor to take Alundra on and finish it.
The box should say "1000 hrs of gameplay!".