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Super Step's Comments - Page 294

In which summer is survived, allergies are reacquired and I play/watch here and there.

Posted on 09/07/2017 at 04:54 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I still need to play every Uncharted, myself ... I have the Drake Trilogy. 

I need to stop buying games as well. I have all these AAA titles I'm not in the mood for and just end up playing Sonic Mania all the time. 

I think T2 flopped because no one knows that's happening ... first I've heard of it. 

25 Years Later: Captain N's thoughts on Batman TAS

Posted on 09/07/2017 at 04:44 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I loved the show, but if I'm being honest I watched the 90s Spider-Man cartoon more often. I can hardly remember full episodes of either show, let alone make a top ten.

Oddly enough, my favorite "superhero" show is still the Avatar cartoon series, both the original and Korra. And those aren't exactly nostalgic, since I didn't watch the original until I was 22!

Are they doing anything special for Batman TAS 25th Anniversary though? I'd love to know if they're doing a special DVD/Blu Ray or something. I'd probably get more out of the show now than I did then. 

PS4 Collection

Posted on 09/07/2017 at 04:40 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That sucks. I honestly wonder if they're not covering PSVR because Sony isn't really pushing it though? It seems like it was this big thing whose coverage has just kinda died. 

Still Alive and Thinking

Posted on 09/07/2017 at 04:39 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That's a lot of work and college. Where's all the FUN? 

Writing and Gaming Update

Posted on 09/07/2017 at 04:37 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I loved the Jak and Daxter rental I had as a kid, and I think I liked Jax 2 but not how different it was? I've always hated sequels that make something light and fun try to be edgy and dark. 

LIfe is Strange, and so is tabletop gaming

Posted on 09/07/2017 at 04:35 PM | Filed Under Blogs


Keep in mind, this is a VERY small part of the game. It's just a couple friends who let you join the end of their campaign, which takes about 30 minutes tops (if that; it felt a bit long to me, but that's likely an exaggeration). 

So while I'm happy to suggest Life is Strange to anyone interested, don't buy it for that scene. I think episode one is less than $10 though (like maybe $7), so it's not a bad investment if you like dialogue-tree/minor puzzle games. 

LIfe is Strange, and so is tabletop gaming

Posted on 09/07/2017 at 04:33 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I can understand wanting a more "gamey" game, but lately I'm just in the mood for these choose-the-narratiove games. 

Yeah, I thought about you when I made that title. I mean, I played a virtual tabletop game? I think I could get into the mechanics of them, but the delivery of what I think are hilariously bad elf names makes me cringe a bit. I feel like if I played, I'd just drag everyone down with my noncommitance to the bit. 

LIfe is Strange, and so is tabletop gaming

Posted on 09/07/2017 at 04:31 PM | Filed Under Blogs

They're doing a decent job of making her seem a lot more relatable ... in the process maybe making Max look a bit less morally perfect. 

It's hard for me to comment on, since I never had such an important immediate family member pass away, but some things Chloe did in the first game and this just seemed inexcusable to me. Then again, she is a teenager and a lot of people who were shitty teens end up being more empathetic, etc. later on. I still don't love Chloe, but I'm willing to give her a chance.

LIfe is Strange, and so is tabletop gaming

Posted on 09/07/2017 at 04:28 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I can definitely understand that. I prefer these to Telltale games, because they give you time to make decisions and I don't feel like I'm just being caught off guard in the middle of a TV show the way Telltale games make me feel. 

Another thing I like is the emphasis on (simple) puzzle-solving. 

But if choosing dialogue doesn't sound like a fun game to you, I 100% understand that. I used to think, "well, why would I not just save the money and watch a Let's Play?" but it really is more satisfying for me to actually make the decisions and see where things go. 

LIfe is Strange, and so is tabletop gaming

Posted on 09/07/2017 at 04:25 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yes. Yes you do. 

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