Been trying to stretch myself more. Just hope I don't snap & break,Adam. lol. It feels good going back to my art though. I'm likewise glad to see you exceling with yours!
Been trying to stretch myself more. Just hope I don't snap & break,Adam. lol. It feels good going back to my art though. I'm likewise glad to see you exceling with yours!
Those are some awesome HalfLife/Portal figures! So Shaggy is porning it up,huh? lol.
Glad you're enjoying Suikoden 2 so much. Believe me,there's a lot to do. I think the game world is twice as big as the first one!
God Eater Burst looks great. The art style and post apocolyptic setting reminds me of a bunch of Shin Megami Tensei games. (Especially Digital Devil Saga) I'm hoping we eventually get God Eater 2 state side too but I guess that depends on whether or not Japan believes it would be a profitable risk.
I really want to try Black-rock shooter. Would have been nice if they released a physical copy of it though! (That's the collector snob in me coming through. lol.)
The other PE games flaunted Aya's sex appeal too though not as much as damagable clothing. (However there was some nude art of her and a few pieces that suggested Melissa and Aya were lesbians. And yes, the art I'm speaking of was "official". lol.)
I don't mind the eye candy but I imagine quite a few game juornalists were "offended" in some way.
I still want to try Bulletstorm. If it's anything akin to PainKiller,Serious Sam, and Duke Nukem I'll enjoy it a lot!
I never was great at chess but I do remember going a few rounds against a friend with this game and liking it well enough. It's great if you are in the need of more mellow and strategically methodical entertainment!
Nothing wrong with cheap fun! Onechanbara Bikini Samura Squad is one of my favorite guilty pleasures of all time. lol. I'd probably dig never dead because it seems to have the same low budget humor. lol.
Ah, Skid Row! Take me back Metal Time Machine,take me back when THE METAL was pure!
To me NeverDead looked like a wacky Suda 51 game. lol. I remember it got shat on a lot by the mainstream press then again they tend to do that to any game that isn't AAA these days.