Posted on 04/27/2013 at 08:50 PM
| Filed Under Feature
There are at least two problems with doing prequels. The first is that, by doing so, you're potentially meddling with the chronology of the franchise (TIME PARADOX--okay, there, got that out of the way). We think of Star Wars probably most immediately for doing that, but growing up as a big Gundam fan, I've seen it happen there a bit, too. All of a sudden there's these people, factors, and/or story threads that, while maybe not groundbreaking or anything, add just enough to throw off the continuity of the chronologically future titles. Oddly, I think of MGS almost doing this in reverse; we get these support characters in MGS3 who are pretty cool and not necessarily that significant, but by MGS4 they're actually all THE WORST PEOPLE EVER AND THEY PAID FOR THEIR SINS WITH THEIR BLOOOOOOOD.
The other problem (as one article discussed) is that, by actually showing us the past, the creator sort of takes the mysticism and imagination of the character or story. Again, using Star Wars as a reference, Anakin is turned from a good-spirited-Jedi-turned-bad into...uh, a kid and then a really underwhelming protagonist. So far, I don't think MGS has done this, because Solid Snake's tale has pretty much been told, and I guess the whole continuity has by this point has been covered. MGS3 demonstrated that a Big Boss game could be amazingly done, and the other games starring him (from what I hear) haven't been too shabby, either.
At this point, MGS is sailing into those rough seas currently battering the Resident Evil franchise: games which exist only to sell the label.