Glad you found all your games,Joe! I'm sure that'll put you to ease. lol.
Glad you found all your games,Joe! I'm sure that'll put you to ease. lol.
I forgot I-no? Curses! I also had a thing for Dizzy. From Blazblue it's tied between Litchi and Makoto.
I would have put down Bayonetta but she's on a gazillion lists already so I wanted to go the road a little less travelled! (Despite Mai being on here,heh!)
I have a thing for Samus too but she's the "safe choice" on account almost everyone respects her. For this I was trying to list off characters who are controversial to like for whatever reason.
I was just bored and thought it would be a nice change from the usual "favorite females in gaming" blogs dotting the landscape. lol.
PS: Glad you are educated. I don't see many people online who differentiate pedophilia from ephebophilia.
The character sprites remind me a bit of Valkyrie profile. I really want to try this one! I like futuristic sci fi Jrpg strangeness!
Makes you wonder why we haven't gotten more of these types of games. Maybe because people would start to be afraid of technology? lol.
I was thinking that too. Male gamers get called misogynists all the time yet Khalid here gets to slide? I call bullshit!
I will say that female gamers put up with some true sexism and/or misogyny on Xbox live once in awhile but by contrast "liking tits" and "being attracted to women" is NOT misogyny.
The 2nd Star Ocean was my favorite but part of that is bias nostalgia. Last Hope was also really fun but some of the characters grated on my nerves just a bit. I have Till The End Of Time as well but didn't get that far. Need to get back to it.
Also, if you still have a PS2 laying around I highly recommend Rogue Galaxy!
Defiance does look pretty awesome. Is it entirely an MMO or can it be single player too?
As for Starfire and Raven they're some of my favorites too. I was pretty big into the first Teen Titan cartoon but the new one looks kinda lame by comparison.
I didn't know every last 1upper (I wasn't there from the very beginning) but I'm always willing to make new friends!
I don't know what's a name but a MAN is a miserable little pile of secrets! Enough talk,have at thee!
It'd be a good idea. Dr. Robotnik and Dr. Wily teaming up? That's trouble on an epic scale!
You so PUNny! lol.