I can hold my own in Tekken Revolution but for the most part, I suck too. I was absolutely terrible at Soul Caliber 5
I can hold my own in Tekken Revolution but for the most part, I suck too. I was absolutely terrible at Soul Caliber 5
I much rather Tekken and DOA than SC. I get why people like SC but I prefer the blocking controls in the others. I've been a fan of DOA since the original. Of course people are gonna to jump on the fan service and tittylation, but behind all that is a solid fighting game IMO. The counter system especially is great.
I'm the exact same. I'm also not the best of losers so I tend to quit a play session if I lose more than a few matches in a row. I at least don't send angry private messages to my opponents on PSN.... Some people really need to get a grip on reality
Bring it on!
Other than some Mortal Kombat when I was really young, my early gaming memories included a lot of the original Tekken
I have a bunch downloaded but am thinking i'll have to delete something once FFX arrives next month. Most likely Soul Sacrifice will get the shaft. Game just didn't click for me.
I like it. Lots of backstabbing and whatnot at the start of the 20th century. It's interesting.
Tekken hands down. It's my favourite fighter and I've put the most time into it.
Saying that though, I wouldn't mind being a master of Street Fighter. It'd be a change from my usual suckfest
Yeah interesting idea. If your fingers create the ships, then how do you shoot? Automatic?
Yeah I think they added something a little extra to the atmosphere of the game. It was nice to feel as though Batman had no control and was at the mercy of this villian
Of the five you list, i'd go South Park. Looks hilarous and a much better concept than previous South Park games.