They say great minds often work that way. I think it's rather endearing that he has such a good sense of humor. I've seen some interviews with him where he was laughing and joking around a lot.
They say great minds often work that way. I think it's rather endearing that he has such a good sense of humor. I've seen some interviews with him where he was laughing and joking around a lot.
Could be an elaborate ruse,as they say. The trailer for the game did not give many clues. But it did look fantastic to me. Glad you liked the songs.....and yes,Katzenjammer are quite easy on the eyes.
I only hope they make some more Metroid games. Too good of a franchise to stop now. Possibilities for good stories are abundant,too.
I think that he will return. What prompted me to write about this was news about a tweet that David Hayter wrote. Said something about how much he was looking forward to E3. And how he hoped he didn't "lose his voice". A subtle hint,perhaps?
Makes getting a WiiU even more tempting. Those forum posts are a great way of finding things out. If there's something worth complaining about in a game someone will be doing it loudly. Good way to test the waters. Online Pass is something that simply disgusts me. It taints my feelings toward any game that would do it.
With a lot of non-gaming women I don't even think it's a problem for them. They just have friends who tell them that they are dating a shiftless loser! "He should be spending all his time with you,not playing those stupid games. What an idiot." I'm sure they catch all kinds of hell. It's all about appearances and what is considered "normal" behavior for men.
I've never sold anything door to door,but I have tried to collect donations for charity. I know how tough that sort of thing can be,especially in summer. I did work as a loan collector one summer for one of those small loan companies. Over the course of three months I had collected 10 dollars! It's all a big game I found out. The people I was talking to had some money,they were just not going to give up a dime of it. Not unless they were threatened with a court date. So I was a total failure at that job. It paid my rent that summer,so I suppose it was worth it. Hope you are able to secure a job that is way better. Maybe even one that's fun! That would be great to find.
Nope. To me,this is Facebook. I barely have time to keep up with the sites I do follow. Facebook would probably get me hooked and I'd be in a real jam.
Thought you might like that one. I've been listening to metal so much lately I needed that. Been too worked up and I need to relax today. If I were you I'd start with Metal Gear Solid 2. Everyone seems to enjoy that one quite a bit. If you decide to take one on,that is.
Oh my God did you pick a good one! That's a great Black Flag song. You just can't go wrong with that band. They shaped the way I listened to punk and viewed it's impact on music in general.