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Super Step's Comments - Page 357

Let's Talk Atari 2600, The First Few Years

Posted on 03/16/2017 at 03:19 AM | Filed Under Blogs

It's funny how Zelda is seen by new gamers as experimenting with open-world when older gamers view the original as the first modern open-world game, which was a perfection of the first-ever open-world game, Adventure. 

The more things change, the more I remember the time you told me someone used their NES as a HAM radio which made our sudden realization only recently that video game consoles are computers seem so obvious. 

Whenever you bring up these years, I think to myself how little I know about everything but the music of that time period, but damn I love the backwards-record-playing, subliminal-message-laying rock music of the 70s. 

Episode 108: California Dreamin'

Posted on 03/16/2017 at 12:19 AM | Filed Under Feature

Well I'll definitely remember the deadline for next podcast, considering March 23 is my birthday. 

Should I stick with only games I actually played IN 1998 (eliminating OoT for me) or just my favorites from 1998 I've ever played? By the way I had Pokemon Blue and it will not appear on my list either way. Cool

Disney's Afternoon Collection Coming April 18th

Posted on 03/15/2017 at 10:46 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Animaniacs is on Netflix. 

Disney's Afternoon Collection Coming April 18th

Posted on 03/15/2017 at 10:23 PM | Filed Under Blogs


Oscar Best Picture Nominees I've Seen 3/14/159265359

Posted on 03/15/2017 at 01:52 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Arrival was meh the first time but got better when i knew what was happening.

HoHW is a fun ass western.

Hacksaw Ridge is a straightforward war movie.

Manchester by the Sea is my favorite, but slice of life isn't for everyone.

Ali is great, but he's only in that for the first half hour, 45 minutes or so. 

Id review: Janelle Monae looking fine as hell is the real star. Way better looking in lady clothes than whatever she wears while singing.

Ego review: It's beautifully shot, but what's being shot is a crack riddled neighborhood and some bullies beating up a gay kid. Mileage may vary.

Superego: That poor kid didn't deserve all that, man. Why are we as a society so cruel?! Why yyyyyyy?!

Fall of the Tomb Raider?

Posted on 03/15/2017 at 01:15 PM | Filed Under Blogs

So the maps and satchels in each area, I guess. First one had an unlockable skill for all relics and documents on map, but I had that at this ones end. Its caches and challenges i need. I'll just use the interactive map i found online.

Chris Springs Forward And Plays Games

Posted on 03/15/2017 at 01:11 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Nope. As an extra shot in the ass, it finished downloading shortly after midnight on Monday. Lol

Oscar Best Picture Nominees I've Seen 3/14/159265359

Posted on 03/15/2017 at 04:04 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah if you're not into slice of life cinema, it's not for you. I think plenty was accomplished plot and character wise though and it even had a resolution. 

Someone said it was African Amercan Boyhood and i definitely see that. Only it didn't take 12 years to make or feel like it took 12 goddamn years to end like that movie. I enjoyed Moonlight, but I felt about Boyhood roughly how you feel about Moonlight. 

You seeing hacksaw ridge at home or a local theater playing it?

Yeah, Arrival as a movie is honestly my least favorite of these. In fact, I inadvertently listed these in order of my favorites from 5 to 1, with Manchester being my favorite.

Oscar Best Picture Nominees I've Seen 3/14/159265359

Posted on 03/15/2017 at 12:30 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I liked Arrival a lot actually, just not the first viewing. I should watch more foreign films.

I've never seen braveheart.

Yeah, I actually dig Oscar bait. Moonlight is a lot more agressively indie than Manchester (Moonlight is an art film, Manchester is more straightforward Oscar bait) but both good movies.

Oscar Best Picture Nominees I've Seen 3/14/159265359

Posted on 03/15/2017 at 12:25 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Typically, old technologies stick around in harmony with new. Hell, loads of directors still use film to shoot, so even just digital cameras haven't taken over yet. I wouldn't be worried about that part, but i do hope the theater experience remains.

I don't know if i consider Scott pilgrim a musical but i liked its style. Never read the comics it was based on. I like Nightmare before Christmas too.

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