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Super Step's Comments - Page 363

Borderlands 2, Ongoing

Posted on 03/07/2017 at 12:09 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I want a field scientist game as well. I just took the ENFP or whatever the hell test again and got Mediator. Apparently that means i can't tolerate bureaucracy or doing things without purpose.

March Happenings

Posted on 03/06/2017 at 11:17 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I might get a vita and ps3 cause they're cheap and I'd have an immediately large library with free ps+ games.

I had a bad experience not buying a laptop at best buy once. She asked if we could try it to make sure it worked ( there was a sale but i needed credit and there was frustrating hulabaloo around that) and the cashier rudely said "uuuuhhh you can when you get home" in a sarcastic tone and right when he said that i put the laptop back. I'm not buying shit from some boy who talks to my mom like that.

I wish i were reading more. I got a book from the student center for $1 today and snee's book should be in my mail soon, plus i have the dc zero year omnibus i bought for $5 before Hastings went bankrupt. 

I might buy a switch w my tax return, but the irs had to confirm my identity first. Uuuughhhh.

We don't talk enough about rentals

Posted on 03/06/2017 at 08:23 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Ask KnightDriver. I've never used them, but am planning on using a free trial from Double Toasted after my spring break, which ends March 20.

Chris Looks Back At February & What's Being Played

Posted on 03/06/2017 at 02:13 PM | Filed Under Blogs

On topic: 

Man, I loved Hot Pursuit. I don't get why the new NFS doesn't let you play as cops.

I kinda figured the Olympics were mini-games. I saw Hot Shots Tennis on sale for PSN last night. I haven't played a tennis video game in a while. Those are fun. 

I'd love an on-the-go collection of old Tomb Raiders to see what they're like. That has to exist, right?

Chris Looks Back At February & What's Being Played

Posted on 03/06/2017 at 02:04 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I love the modern Tomb Raiders, but I keep hearing the old ones had more focus on puzzles. I guess folks aren't doing all the side quests I am. What's irking me right now in Rise is I've already completed all 4 tombs in Geothermal Valley, but when I go to the mission giver who wants me to find all the tribe's ancient secrets via completing said tombs, Lara said she hasn't found all of them. Yes you did, B***! I can see that you did on my map! So I don't know if that's a glitch or what.

Edit: Looking it up, it says you must complete "all 9 challenge tombs." So ok, only 4 are in that area. That's where I got confused.

We don't talk enough about rentals

Posted on 03/06/2017 at 01:43 AM | Filed Under Blogs

PS4 definitely installs to HDD. Several articles said that around launch time. It's because the HDD is faster than Blu Ray drive.

We don't talk enough about rentals

Posted on 03/05/2017 at 09:40 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I really wish PS Now was more like what MS is doing. MS is definitely winning as far as creative ways to provide BC. I'm going to start a Gamefly sub some time after our Spring Break, so I don't have to change addresses to get my games. 

After looking it up, I think PS4 installs the game on the HDD, but nothing seemed to indicate NEEDING the Internet. This may mean more physical purchases on my end, especially when the physical and digital copies are the same price (Until Dawn is $20 at both my local GameStop and the PS Store).

We don't talk enough about rentals

Posted on 03/05/2017 at 07:35 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I never got enough bad CDs to swear off renting. Oddly enough, I've had the most issues with that when renting Blu Ray movies from Red Box. 

We used to have Mickey's Video Store nearby. Not sure Disney would have approved had they seen the marquee with an image of their copyrighted character in it ... 

I stopped renting after Gamecube, only because I didn't have the newer systems. 

We don't talk enough about rentals

Posted on 03/05/2017 at 06:29 PM | Filed Under Blogs

There is reselling to other people though. Pocketing the money yourself as opposed to being nickel-and-dimed by GameStop or pawn shops. 

We don't talk enough about rentals

Posted on 03/05/2017 at 04:44 PM | Filed Under Blogs

True, but given that every time I've thought to trade a game in, no matter how old it was, I've been offered like $5 ... 

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