My 2015 game would in fact be Rocket League. It was the surprise of the year. Good choice for #3, Patrick. I have yet to get past the street in Yarnam where the carriages are in Bloodborne (probably several, but that's the best way I can describe where I left the game before removing it to make room). I don't think it's scary, but I don't love the immediate difficulty spike.
Wish I could play Splatoon, but Wii U just doesn't interest me enough. I'd like to play Bayonetta 2 and some first party games, but not enough to buy a console. Zelda is the only thing that would get me to do it and given that it's on the Switch as well ...
Until Dawn was great! I really want to get it now for $20 (physical is same price at my GameStop, so might as well go that route) even after watching a playthrough on KittyKatGaming past where I left off in my rental. I just want to PLatinum it by getting all the possibilities. I can see myself playing it several times just to see "what if."
Rise of the Tomb Raider is great on PS4. That'd be my pick for 2015 had I played it that year. I agree that it's very similar to 2013 Tomb Raider and having played it, I'm with you Julian. I know I read Casey's review, but I forget what his argument was.