I can't remember if I listened to Temples of Boom, but I know Soundgarden was big when I was in high school so I get to listen to what the big deal is now.
Good stuff. Hope that your son is enjoying Lego Batman
I can't remember if I listened to Temples of Boom, but I know Soundgarden was big when I was in high school so I get to listen to what the big deal is now.
Good stuff. Hope that your son is enjoying Lego Batman
Funny you mention that game, I always made it a point to skip it, but last night I saw it at GameStop and was tempted to pick it up mainly because its a game I don't have on the 360 and the PS3. Good to know SequalStop is in the game
I thought it was crazy that album was in the free pile. Its such a good album, it just needed some cleaning.
Hopefully by the time you read this, your mom's printer problem will be solved.
There is a lot of content on that channel as well as being able to watch the PPV's live. I do like checking out NXT and some of the characters are just terrible but its interesting to see how they can evolve their storylines.
Not having CDs in my iTunes library would drive me nuts. You should add them to your library!
Hulu is dead to me because there are so many channel apps that offer the same content for free. The one drawback is for some odd reason FXX doesn't play nice with my cable so I can't watch the new season of Sunny In Philadelphia unless I actually watch it on TV. Hopefully its part of On Demand so I can catch up.
WWE isn't bad. I actually watched a couple of their "Network Only" shows like NXT (Developmental Wrestling). The other stuff is good, but the one positivie is that I get to watch this weekend's Pay Per View on the Network.
My brother is good at the stock market stuff. I can't get into it. Its too much like gambling and I'm not a fan of gambling, but he said to just listen to the shows about the market and do a little reading and you can kind of figure out what's going on.
Seeing your package is in the same city you are in but won't be delivered until the next day is so annoying. I also noticed that my UPS hands the package off to the Post Office which is kind of odd, but since the Post Office delivery is eariler than the UPS guy I'm ok with this.
I like Agent Carter, especially with the short storyline and Jarvis is good character. I wish it was used more in the Iron Man movies.
Congrats on hitting 50K! I remember that part in Lego Star Wars. That was a pain. I got it in my first try on the PS2 (when the games were separate) but had a tough time on the PSP version.
I'm a little bummed because I thought the overall concept was fun way to reward customers who bought Nintendo products. Of course I've only been with the program for maybe a year but it was always fun to look through the various offers.
Hopefully the new program will still reward customers with emails with codes and offers for redeemable games.
Looks like I should spend my remaining coins on something fun for the 3DS.
I do like how every week there is a new NFL controversy that people just want to hold on to. Balls that needed more air, refs who seem to be on Jerry's payroll, etc. As for Seattle and their "12th Man" aka the Miami Heat fans of the NFL, yeah its all about the stadium's design. I like the Seahawks but their new fanbase gets way more attention than it deserves.
The best part about parties is the food. Its fine to eat like a madman, just don't do it every day.
I never realized how expensive those graphic novels are. I always thought $20 maybe 30 at the top end but $50? That's crazy.
Ooh doctoral programs. Do you have any preference on schools? I was joking with a friend after watching The U Part II on ESPN that we should go to grad school in Miami just so we can say we graduated from The U.
The three day here was a bit lazy. I visited an out of the way Target to see what Lego that had left on Clearance, and hit the mom and pop music store to buy more CDs in bulk. Other than that, it was a lazy weekend.
Wow 21 GB. I'm not going to buy this but I understand the excitement over a game you have been waiting for. Congrats!