Hell yeah two of my favorites right there! I didn't know much about Pirates when I bought it and I was suprised on how much fun it was. I dig Eternal Champions but damn that boss battle!
Hell yeah two of my favorites right there! I didn't know much about Pirates when I bought it and I was suprised on how much fun it was. I dig Eternal Champions but damn that boss battle!
Thank goodness I am not into games that need the little figures like Amiibos, and Skylanders, and only dabbled a bit in Disney Infinity. Props to Nintendo for getting into that market because just seeing how the World of Nintendo figures took off, these were guaranteed to move.
I am jealous of Eternal Champions CD. I have the Genesis game and that one is FREAKING HARD. The boss battle is nuts. I wish my Sega CD still worked. Somewhere between SDSU and home it stopped working.
Yeah that's the one problem with Backloggery. I too have quite a few games like that but I don't want to go in and get rid of that work. I should start an Excel sheet of how many actual games I do own like I do with my CDs.
I wish I could help but I don't know of any game resource pages. It is a shame because the site you are describing sounds like an excellent resource for the history of video games.
Oh rain, we get "rain" (sprinkles) but I could imagine having downpours would get annoying.
Yay congrats on taking this game off your backlog! Yeah that slide minikit is tricky, and I got lucky both times I played it (once on PS2, and the other on 360). The vehicles are bad, and I too spent a good chunk of time crashing, and cussing.
It is disappointing that I won't be able to play this game on the PS4 (unless they get ro release it years down the road) but this is good news for folks who own both consoles.
I started checking out the Castlebay album and I do like the instrumentals. I will check out the other band today. I like how there is an option to buy digital, or physical. Thanks for the recomendations!
Yup that was it. I think you unlocked some special character or something.