I don't play on hard unless I'm bored or have played through on normal. I definitely think there's a language to gaming you learn by playing. You used to know x was gas or shoot, now you know R2 serves that function across the board.
I don't play on hard unless I'm bored or have played through on normal. I definitely think there's a language to gaming you learn by playing. You used to know x was gas or shoot, now you know R2 serves that function across the board.
To be honest, space invaders and asteroids are all I've really played of that era. I think ...
Me too. Would be wild if Netflix started producing games to compete with gamefly...
It's up there for sure. I'd say Capcom has my favorite songs as a company though. MM, SF, etc. I know this is Konami. Contra has a good soundtrack too.
Think I've heard of it ...
I know wily stage 1 from mm2, but not darius. I'll look that up.
Really wish I could get my hands on Rare Replay.
I'll see John Wick 2 with my best friend, but I'm honestly more excited for LEGO Batman.
Yeah, one of the Double Toasted guys (Martin) was saying they probably just looked at the original and said "so how do we cut this same thing together for today?"
See, in that case, I'd like there to be a less obvious villain. Either the crew is both the protagonist and antagonist or something. I just don't like boring villains. I did enjoy the movie more the second time, too bad the Blu Ray skipped. Maybe I FF and RW these too much ...
I liked Into Darkness as well, and my only problem was the obvious 9/11 conspiracy theory references made in the story; not sure what writer was responsible, cause I think that movie had several.
This sounds really familiar even though I've never heard it before.
I saw Reality Bites on Showtime on cable once. It gave me nostalgia even though it was like 2008 and I'd never seen it. I still remember Siskel and Ebert saying Ethan Hawk's character was a douchebag and she definitely should've gotten with the more responsible Ben Stiller. I think that review is where I learned the term "meet cute."
The other New Wave I know is "Blister in the Sun" and I'm pretty sure it's about wanting sex ... I think. I know Fall Out Boy's "Sugar We're Going Down" is about masturbation.
Come to think of it, is there a non-Christian/gospel outfit that DOESN'T have a song about sex? Hell, pretty sure even gospel/Christian groups have a few.
That's why I said the second half, after Private Pile ... well, y'know.