OMG WATCH IT!!! It's like a sitcom designed for geeks. They do an entire episode set in an 16-bit game... and dear god the references!!!!
OMG WATCH IT!!! It's like a sitcom designed for geeks. They do an entire episode set in an 16-bit game... and dear god the references!!!!
Yeah man, it's looking like it could be utterly amazing. If you get a chance to play Amnesia: The Dark Descent, DO IT! It is hands down the best horror game I've ever played! It runs fairly well on laptops.
Watch it again. It's sooooo much better the second time around. AD always is. There are so many background jokes!
As I said, original AD is fairly light hearted. This season is too for the most part, it just has some dark moments. If you can handle shows like Community or The Office, or even Seinfeild, you could handle this.
Oh I agree. They should have kept this as FF Versus XIII but oh well. I'm just glad this game is actually getting made, as I've been following it for like 3 years now. FFXIII was just terrible, and the further they move away from that the better.
Yeah, 100,000 a month is a crazy ass number. They're also really restrictive of what type of journalists go there. Youtube Journalists who get 100,000 views A WEEK aren't allowed to go because they don't see youtube as an outlet for journalism.
The first Tobias episode was where I started to enjoy it, and the first G.O.B. episode was where I started to love it.
It's more satirical and crazy than anything. It's in my top 3 comedies of all time, so you do need to watch it. It does take a few episodes to get into it though.
Watch the first 3 seasons Ben. They aren't that dark. There is genuine character development in this season, and in the first three seasons especially, it's more about Michael trying to save the company and his son from his families corruption. I think you'd love it. It's a lot like a mix of Community, Seinfield and The Office IMO.
Yeah... If they want to appeal to SH fans, they should either make up their own monsters, or just make a Silent Hill 2 movie.