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Blake Turner's Comments - Page 423

Gamers are Sexist, Arrogant Pigs.

Posted on 06/12/2013 at 06:02 AM | Filed Under Blogs

MMORPGs tend to have a rather large amount of female gamers according to studies.

 Also, I get that. So why not make a cheaper game to try and reel in other audiences. It may not sell well at first, but it would be an investment that would eventually become profitable.

Gamers are Sexist, Arrogant Pigs.

Posted on 06/12/2013 at 05:59 AM | Filed Under Blogs

It's propoganda because you disagree with it. That's the cry of internet idiots everywhere. Honestly thought you were better than this.

Gamers are Sexist, Arrogant Pigs.

Posted on 06/12/2013 at 05:57 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Wow. Really disagree with you there. No, we should not cater to everyone, but we should at least cater to someone other than 17 year old fucktards who have no brains. In the AAA sphere, all you have is testosterone filled bullshit. Most girls I've talked to don't like that. Any female game I know prefers RPGs, MMORPGs, and indie games. This is in my experience anyway.

 However, gaming culture is heavily skewed against women anyway. Gaming devs could at least make it a little bit easier to get into.

And surprise: Women do like different things to men. Who watches chick flicks? Who watches twilight, the vampire diaries, soap operas and all that shit. Is that designed for men? Do men watch that unless they're on a date? No. You're comment about being sexist is foolish.

I'm Playing Mortal Kombat - Finally.

Posted on 06/12/2013 at 05:50 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm all good with what you believe. I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness, and my dad constantly tries to shove his values down my throat which makes me very quick to side against it. Sorry if I offended you.

 While I do see what you're saying, the thing about rape was a law in the bible. If a woman is raped, and doesn't marry the man that raped her, she is to be stoned to death. Just interested to see what you think of that.

Every Game for PS4 Announced so Far

Posted on 06/11/2013 at 06:31 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I love how Microsoft tweeted that MS5 was an xbox exclusive, and then a couple of hours later tweeted that it wasn't. They didn't delete the original post either, that's how desperate they are.

Hi,political correctness! Er,I still hate you!

Posted on 06/11/2013 at 04:02 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I think white people have it the worst out of everyone! I mean, the blacks steal from US! The gays hit on US! We aren't allowed to say some words! And, i mean we have a whole thing called white people problems, Do anyone else have these problems?

FPS Burnout

Posted on 06/11/2013 at 03:21 AM | Filed Under Blogs

 Yeah. I understand that, and I thought that's what you meant. It was just the phrasing that got me lol.

E3 Reveals Dragon Age Inquisition

Posted on 06/11/2013 at 02:51 AM | Filed Under Blogs

 If this doesn't come to pc, I will murder your... toaster. No I won't. Your toaster is amazing. BUT I WILL BE ANGRY!!!

FPS Burnout

Posted on 06/11/2013 at 02:50 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I hve a bone to pick here. The Witcher has an original story with unique gameplay. Ni No Kuni is a cut and paste Jrpg that mines the same cliches that we've seen from the genre for years.

 Other than that, I agree. I like shooters to some degree, but the ones I like are ones like generally either have rpg elements (deus ex, fallout 3) or are so inredibly over the top it's impossible not to have fun (quake, painkiller, serious sam). None of these modern shooters really appeal to me, even bioshock infinite had really boring gameplay. Amazing story though.

Hi,political correctness! Er,I still hate you!

Posted on 06/11/2013 at 02:46 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Ben, don't give up! Women aren't people! They are lesser beings, and they deserve to be treated as such. It says so in the bible! Also, negros and homosexuals - pretty sure they aren't even human. Let's hunt them for sport!

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