Yep scrolls give you that magic permanently as long as your job allows it.
Yep scrolls give you that magic permanently as long as your job allows it.
Are you saying you can't access any spells or just that some of the scrolls you bought are not showing. You aren't able to access level 3 white magic until you max out the white mage category. You should be able to use any level 1 White magic you have purchased though.
Yay, Tami's back!
Good to hear from you. I've started Alundra two or three times but never gone very far. It was the first action RPG I ever played on the PS1. It's not an easy game and I always wind up quitting the first time I die
I bought mine at launch and use it almost every day. Well worth the investment
Not sure. Some of these only go for the week but this one could go longer. I can't find the info.
Mickey Power of 2 is a pain in the ass on PS3. I've only played 15 minutes and I already can't figure out how to jump up in order to continue the level. I know I probably have to use Oswald but no matter what I do I can't jump high enough.
I'm not sure. My problem is I didn't look around the town until I got into ND+ so that's when I found the other areas to clear out and new shops.Each Adventurer shop appears to go to level 3.
I was playing Tales of Graces F at first. I think I'm going to check Infinite out soon. I really love the way it looks. I just downloaded Rain, Far Cry Blood Dragon (coz people say it's funny) and Enslaved even though I own a physical copy. I figure 5 bucks was worth it for the DLC anyway.
I almost downloaded Crysis 3 for a fiver but I figured I probably wouldn't play it anyway.
Don't use up all your BaD puns before Feb. Mr. Joe. It's kinda like wasting bullets in a Survival Horror game. :D
I saw you on earlier while I was harassing Tami. :D
I'm going to pretend you didn't buy that Duff record. :)
Joe Jackson's Look Sharp is a great album. It's very hard to pidgeonhole Jackson since he's done everything from pop punk/new wave (Look Sharp) to Jazz (Joe Jackson's Jumpin Jive) both are great but completely different.
I actually had Look Sharp on dual 10 inch vinyl records (Brit import) and it came with a Look Sharp! button which I wore on my jacket religiously during the late 70's/ early 80's.
Then again I used to have a big vinyl collection until I sold most of it last year. *sigh*
I'm off to cry in my beer now.