I completely forgot about La Mulana. Thanks for the reminder! Hyperlight Drifter looks awesome too. Also, I noticed Bilby commenting over on Plus 10. It's great to know that she's still alive lol.
I completely forgot about La Mulana. Thanks for the reminder! Hyperlight Drifter looks awesome too. Also, I noticed Bilby commenting over on Plus 10. It's great to know that she's still alive lol.
Have you considered joining the Backloggery? It's helped me a lot. There's a "fortune cookie" option that picks a random game if your unsure of what to play next. I'm excited about Strider too. It looks great from the footage I've seen.
There wasn't some kind of warning saying it was in Japanese? I suppose you could look up the translation online, but why should you have to do that?
I haven't played any of these. I'm mostly familar with old school DK and the DKC games. I managed to beat DKC on SNES recently. It wasn't nearly as hard as I remember. I think those games are kinda overrated too.
I never really understood the club scene... but then again, I'm pretty introverted too. And by that, I mean I'm basically a hermit. Seriously. Sometimes I wish I could live on a mountain somewhere and grow an epic beard lol.
That doesn't make sense. Maybe they don't want to make money? The release of Lightning Returns makes me wonder lol. You could always just buy it on PS3 or something. I gave up on Square Enix after FF 13-2.
I don't see what the big deal is. I've been buying cases for my NES games for awhile now, and some of those come in all kinds of hideous colors lol.
I'm about to start playing Mario 64 again too. The N64 version. I think the DS version is better though as far as controlling the camera and what not.
I played this on a SNK collection. It was weird. I never did get into many SNK games besides Metal Slug for some reason. I could play those all day long.
I just started reading Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan again. I'm really excited about it. I don't know if I'd recommend it though. It's a great series, but there's like 14 books, and they are all about 1000 pages. The dude died before finishing it.