I see it on occasion but I figured it was my web broswer with it's over the top security apps getting in the way. Gotta keep the NSA off my back somehow.
I see it on occasion but I figured it was my web broswer with it's over the top security apps getting in the way. Gotta keep the NSA off my back somehow.
time to check them out. Moreso after reading about Alex's thoughts about the games from awhile back.
I feel you when it comes to working in the food business. I just love how employers will use that "all other duties assigned" to justify having you do more and more work. when I run into employers that pull that BS I walk for the door. Steady the course and screw em come after the new year!
Been thinking about restarting my Fallout 3 gameplay given my PS3's crash. I lost all my Jayne Cobb game play data. Perhaps it's time to restart my "Jayne Cobb-init" playthrough of fallout 3!
Odd. I am looking foreard to getting even more bargin bin titles for my last gen systems. My local game stores are even having a 4 for $5 each deal on some games. Good luck with the xmas seasons though, even with the game deals out tehre, we gotta make that green stretch!
the ghame kinda sounds like a precursor to the story of "The Legend of Legendary Heroes" anime. Though not quite a demon, the main chracter in taht anime had the power to destroy the world with his hidden powers.
I'll still give it somet hought if I happen to stumble upon it.
Not bad but I hae to admit it's not my thing. Thanks for sharing though.
Korra not that good if I read it right from you.
Is Ys: The Oath in Felghana really any good? I've debated about getting this game for my PSP but nto even sure if I sould go the disc or digital route.
Games is always good!
games games game games!
Perhaps I should look into PC gaming, if only for the free games alone....
Deathsmiles is a cute'em up?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!
I need to replay my Ultimate Sonic Collection again. I lost all my unlocks when my PS3 died.
I like the new Choplifter game on XBLA but I"m just waiting for it to drop in price. Plus I think it's lame you actually can land on top of people. YOu'd think they'd get out of the way if you see a large craft with spinning blades decending toward you!