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Blake Turner's Comments - Page 45

I'm Incredibly Bad at BaD

Posted on 03/01/2017 at 10:18 PM | Filed Under Blogs

My favourite so far has been voting to change the flag. When they did the poll, they had 3 for change, 3 against change, and 2194 undecided. Some things never change I guess.

 How old is Catara? And how are you doing?

BaD puzzle platforming

Posted on 03/01/2017 at 10:18 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm not 100% sure I didn't write this blog.

BaD #3 - My PS4 impressions so far

Posted on 02/04/2017 at 06:39 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Glad you're enjoying the PS4! Firewatch is a really darn great game! Haven't played Never Alone though.

The PS4 is a touch fiddly, but I ended up getting used to it. Still not 100% with the Wii-U interface, but that just might be me.

 All those gimmicks are pretty silly, but some games use them really well. GTAV for example has the light flash red and blue when the police are after you, you hear police scanners through the controller speaker, and it has directional vibration when you're driving over bumps in the road. Horror games have also made pretty good use of that speaker too.

 I think there's an option somewhere to turn the brightness on the light down but I don't remember where.

I Picked Up DQ VIII Today

Posted on 02/04/2017 at 03:09 AM | Filed Under Blogs

DQVIII is so charming and wonderful. It feels like concentrated nostalgia for PS1 amd SNES RPGs while still being (for the time) modern. I think it's the best in the series, and one of the best JRPGs full stop.

Think Happy Thoughts, Think Happy Thoughts...

Posted on 02/03/2017 at 06:52 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I came back and saw you two were arguing and decided to just let it unfold.

 My two cents on the matter: I don't think the man deserves defending. Even if people are lying in their attacks against him, the man himself is a pathological liar on a grander scale than Molyneux. Just check his twitter for the kinds of insane bullshit he spouts, not to mention the amount of times he has contradicted himself.

 I think the larger problem here isn't necessarily Trump, but the Election process in general. Sure, a lot of people hate Trump, but I think a larger part of the issue comes from the fact that he lost the majority vote by a landslide. In essence, the vote was taken from the people, so they are understandably pissed. An even larger part of the problem is in the two party system. You essentially had the choice between two thoroughly corrupt and amoral villains with no real other options. The only thing I can really hope for in the Trump presidency is that America learns from this.

Think Happy Thoughts, Think Happy Thoughts...

Posted on 01/31/2017 at 10:12 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm sorry, do you not like pay any attention to anything? Dude, there's a fucking lockout on all immigration from quite a few muslim-majority countries - with absolutely zero warning. That is not nothing.

Where did everyone go to?

Posted on 01/28/2017 at 07:09 AM | Filed Under Blogs

It has been a little dead around here lately. Unfortunately I've just not really felt like blogging. That's my excuse I guess.

 I've mainly been reading and playing Resident Evil 7. Sorry you can't afford it atm, though if it helps greenman has it for $13 off. Maybe cheaper if you log in.

 What have you been reading?

Random update 1/5/17 - The first PS4 edition!

Posted on 01/13/2017 at 11:28 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Ah, Tammy, you've discovered my BaD trick :p The problem with that is when you start missing days it becomes much easier to miss more days.

 Quolls are adorable... except when you're camping. They come right into your campsite and eat your food, sometimes trying to sneakily take it out of your hand! I had one try to take an apple off me and ended up biting my finger. Fucking hurt. 

Blake Does The Thing With The Words And Stuff.

Posted on 01/13/2017 at 05:24 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Where I'm at, snakes and spiders are the only things I have to worry about. Snakes will mostly leave you alone unless you corner them or are near their young, and spiders take long enough to kill you that you can get to a hospital pretty safely, though the bites still hurt like a motherfucker. The really deadly shit is on the other side of the country fortunately.

Blake Does The Thing With The Words And Stuff.

Posted on 01/13/2017 at 05:22 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah you can turn most of it off but you're right it's a shame they didn't design around that stuff. I was talking purely in level design when I said they were on par with looking glass. But still, I'll take this shit over half the "choose your playstyle" games that litter the market.

 And you're welcome. If you want some good pc bundles, check I think they're better than Humble Bundle these days, and they have some rpg, fps, retro, and action game bundles for $3. Most of the games are pretty garbage, but I got Stuff like Fancy Skulls, the games offered here, Sudeki, Lichdom Battlemage, planetary annihilation, Disciples, Sudeki, Postal 2, System Shock 2, and the commando series for less than $25. Check it out if you're itching for a sale. 

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