I've no kids so no worries but I get your point haha. Vocal minorities fuck everything up man. Seriously. Why can't we all just get along (as long as it's how I like it ).
I've no kids so no worries but I get your point haha. Vocal minorities fuck everything up man. Seriously. Why can't we all just get along (as long as it's how I like it ).
I really don't know how servers can put up with half the shit they take. I certainly couldn't do it. I always feel bad asking for something of a server but for some people, you'd swear they owned the place. I bussed tables for a summer and that was bad enough. People are assholes, its why Valentine's Day is so big I guess. Some people have to almost be forced to appreciate their partners. [End slight rant]
And thanks. Dayquil does wonders.
Yeah absolutely. I'm not exactly someone who would argue a price either so if I was to get screwed i'm unlikely to say anything. Much better to avoid those sorts of things in the first place.
And the HD Collection is great but you might as well go with the Legacy Collection now if you planning on buying a collection. Legacy has everything so far. http://www.amazon.com/Metal-Gear-Solid-Collection-Playstation-3/dp/B00CTKHXFO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1392315673&sr=8-1&keywords=metal+gear+solid+legacy+collection
While I wouldn't put it past Sony to deliberately hold back consoles for headline reasons, I find it unlikely. I think Microsoft just did a better job getting more consoles made. It does look good for Sony though that they're selling what they're producing. I like you will wait for GAMES!
haha I know the feeling. I've arrived into the office and been consumed with food thoughts for the entire day through lunch until dinner. Not too crazy I hope
Yeah I tell the same thing to my wife all the time. There is nothing in my daily life that irks me like traffic. I generally avoid it in the mornings but the drive home always sucks. Listening to Podcasts helps but I'll go out of my way to stay away from traffic.
It certainly looks pretty anyway. Nice looking character models
I think I paid $5 on Steam. Well worth it.
The Playstation was my first console full stop and probably for this reason my most memorable gaming moments are with it. I remember rushing home from the newagents with a copy of OPM to play to demos. Man those were the days.
I put some hours into The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing on PC which is actually pretty damn good. I'd recommend it on a sale if you need a quick fix. And of course, per your blog, it has tonnes of loot