Danganropa might be worth a look since from what I heard the series borrows very heavily from Ace Attorney
Danganropa might be worth a look since from what I heard the series borrows very heavily from Ace Attorney
Trust me, it's for the best I didn't show up sooner. You think I'm normally an asshole? Try me without a good night's sleep
My guess is they're waiting for the NX to show more Zelda stuff since that'll be their big game for it like TP on the Wii
Easily my favorite in the series and my ninth favorite game. Best bosses in any game ever IMO too.
I'm gonna list all of the anime I like here
Dragonball Z
That concludes my list
Lack of balance between starters isn't that big of an issue because it's not a terrible unbalance, all three are perfectly functional and you can build an excellent team to support them with any choice unlike say Black and White. As for a few bad designs, we're talking about three or four out of over a hundred new Pokemon that's just a nitpick.
I thought Deadpool was just alright. Had some great jokes and did a few cool things with its action, but most the jokes had me rolling my eyes. Movie just wasn't as clever as it thought it was and felt like it was whacking off to how amazing it thought it was the whole time. Terrible villain too.
Rush was pretty good. Not as good as the Genesis ones, but had the best sense of speed in the franchise.
Horizon is an amazing concept it's just I have yet to play a good game by Guerilla. Hope they're just clueless on how to do a good FPS campaign and it turns out well.