Tami: what you mean is switching accounts and usernames. haahahaha..but we can call it gears!
Tami: what you mean is switching accounts and usernames. haahahaha..but we can call it gears!
I can not find a good flight sim I am satisfied with. I tried all the demos of all the major release and Im not happy with any of them. Maybe Il Strumovik is closest to being the one I might actually buy. I have never even heard of this game. It must be a 360 exclusive?
I dont know...I fell asleep! Hahahahah...J/K
Hahahah.. I guess we are all freaks in one way or another!
Yeah, that sux. Since I've been playing my PS2 a lot, it was tough to go back to the PS3. I bought the Prince of Persia trilogy and It isnt worth the trouble trying to play it. It freezes my ps3 and I have to restart like 5 times just to play.
Thanks, now Im humming Pac Man Fever. and it wont get out of my head!
I did enjoy the magazine but the reviews were a little...lot...slanted favorably majority of the time
I felt drunk just watching it
Nice review. I've always been on the fence about playing this game. Maybe one day I'll buy it and try it out.
You better hurry on the VR Missions. Tami is sending me the VR Missions game.