The upgrade system from Ratchet and Clank. Giving you a huge selection of weapons which level up just by firing them is ridiculously addictive despite that only Insomniac uses it.
The upgrade system from Ratchet and Clank. Giving you a huge selection of weapons which level up just by firing them is ridiculously addictive despite that only Insomniac uses it.
Hail Caesar looks great, getting a lot of Lebowski vibes from it
Well I hated what little I played of Pokemon Channel so I don't think I'll be reviewing it.
When have you ever?
That money is going to my Delorean fund
I'm not gonna murder him. But he shouldn't be surprised if he wakes up very confused one morning in a crate heading to North Korea
He's wrong
Blake you were going to hell long before that joke
Just finished Arkham Knight and am trying to decide what to go with next. Thinking of going with Tearaway or Until Dawn, might pick Skies of Arcadia back up though
My biggest issue was by far the controls. Both driving and on foot feel horrible.