That was hysterical! The cut scenes do get pretty freaky right away. That is nuts!
That was hysterical! The cut scenes do get pretty freaky right away. That is nuts!
Welcome! I know a lot of people get really involved with Facebook. Consumes a lot of time,I am sure. To me this site is Facebook,but for gamers. We talk about all sorts of stuff,but the focus is usually games or game related stuff. Look forward to reading your thoughts and opinions on a variety of topics.
I'm sure folks will be camped out at Best Buy on day one for both. Not me,though. Learned my lesson the hard way on both last time around. Like you,I was far more impressed with the PS4 announcement. Price point will be a major factor,as well as price of games. Hopefully all will be revealed at E3. Interesting how similar the specs are on the two.
I had a friend in the Navy who had a Lynx. Thought it was very cool,but not to the touch! That thing could generate heat in a big way. Had great graphics,I remember that. Very impressive handheld for that point in time. I don't even know how much a 3DO would cost,but if it's in as good condition as your Jaguar I'll bet it's a small fortune.
Incredibly good blog that makes some great points. I agree with you 100% that they are try to make consoles more like PC's. I'm just glad they are still making consoles,to tell you the truth. Some industry wonks were saying "consoles are dead,everyone games on mobile devices now' which is utter crap. Sure I game on my iPad,but not as much as on PS3 and 360 by a long shot. I'm sure it's way different for women who play Farmville and such games. They probably do that primarily on mobile. So the fact 2 new consoles are about to come out gets me enthused about the future of gaming. What does worry me is the game companies trying to go completely digital with game releases. You know that is their end game,has to be. No disk,no case,no shipping....same price! Great business model for them. But until we all get onboard with cloud saving and are comfortable having no physical games,that is not going to happen. Thank God!
Since you're the expert on this one I'll ask you. Should I get it for PS3 or 360? Is there any difference to the two versions that you know of? Both are 20 bucks at Wal Mart. Great deal to get a new copy of it.
First time I heard them I thought to myself....this is the second coming of Black Sabbath. They are just that heavy and that good. And they are always that way,no deviation from their metal path of destruction.
Sticking it to the little guy! Way to go, Microsoft. That truly blows and just goes to show you they care very little about innovation. Maybe that's why games have become so predictable these days.
Starfox did have rather stirring music in it. That is a very cool interpretation of some classic gaming goodness. I like it!
I finally got Fatal Frame back for PS2 and it is just as scary as I remember. I found a PS2 River King game on vacation recently. I like fishing,so it made me curious.The Poker Night game you spoke of is highly interesting. Another pasttime I could do better at in a virtual setting. And I would not lose real money[wife would kill me!] while doing it.