Posted on 12/19/2013 at 12:27 PM
| Filed Under Blogs
I've seen this video series, it is pretty solid! Transmet makes a great point; if you look at gaming from a quality standpoint in terms of aging, it's no wonder why so many gamers stand by those classic SNES titles, as well as a whole new generation who is discovering them for the first time and gravitating towards Retro Gaming.
Obviously, a gaming experience such as The Last of Us' is enhanced by its graphical prowess, but I can't say that the game accomplishes more visually than TellTale's The Walking Dead or even Chrono Trigger, in the same way that I can't say Skyrim is more immersive than A Link To The Past. In my opinion, graphical fidelity's only importance is the degree that it helps developers bring their vision to life, and that is a very subjective thing. I think games like Earthbound, the Kirby franchise, SMW, and many others are far more visually compelling than most titles that strive for "realism", and they'll age much better to boot.
I think the reason why graphics are marketed as a game's selling point is the fact that publishers aren't catering to established gamers, they are trying to reach people that are more casual with their gaming tastes. If publishers would realize why we play video games in the first place, you would see that approach change.