My budget is crap too. But 14.69 is too hard to resist. I may let it go but it is tempting.
My budget is crap too. But 14.69 is too hard to resist. I may let it go but it is tempting.
Hilarious. Thanks I needed that. :)
What Snee said!
The voice acting is horrible. Although not as horrible as Arc Rise Fantasia but horrible nontheless.
I couldn't actually believe that the other two sellers were trying to get 70 or 80 bucks for the thing. I put it at $50 just to test the waters. :)
Yep, those games are so much more fun with the Classic Controller. I got a black Pro model with Monster Hunter Tri. I love it.
I started Enchanted Arms years back and didn't like it much. My son finished it though.
I picked up Pandora's Tower yesterday. Like Xenoblade Chronicles and The Last Story before it they are best played with the Classic Controller.
Great scores there. I had all 4 .hacks at one time. I sold number 4 for $150 last September and 2 not long after that which doesn't go for nearly as much but I think I still got $40 for it. 1 was the last to go a week ago for $35.
I have the Gamecube version of BGaE. I can't remember if I sold that one yet.
Doesn't bother me at all. Last years E3 was a total waste of time IMO and this years will be a suitcase full of broken promises from M$ and Sony. Nintendo doesn't really need to do anything on that platform this year. Yep, they need to get a pulse going on the Wii U but they have the 3DS which is currently selling more than any other gaming system in the world week after week. Yes folks, while the haters are concentrating on Nintendo's left hand its right hand is picking pockets. The universe is unfolding as it should Cap, no need for concern.
Yay Daftman!
I think that most of the games I buy this year will be for the 3DS. So much great stuff coming. I'm contemplating putting my money down for SMT 4 because some sites are offering an upgrade to the LE box set if you preorder.
The 3DS is kicking ass and taking names this year. :)