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Nick DiMola's Comments - Page 52

Update: chasing a dream at game development school

Posted on 02/21/2014 at 04:59 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Good for you! Very awesome that you're seriously considering chasing your dream, especially if the opportunity is there for you. Programming is an interesting trade with many, many niches.

If you learn how to do game programming, you will have a great feel for high performance programming, which will translate into many other jobs if the game field doesn't have any opportunities. For whatever reason, I've fallen on the web app track and probably will never leave it, for better or worse. Regardless, the skill is extremely portable, and I'm certain I could program anything at this point, but I'd definitely lose my level of seniority (and pay).

Anyway, I think you should definitely ask as many questions as possible when you sit in on that class, but don't be overwhelmed by the topic matter. 2D programming is no cakewalk (though nothing compared to 3D) and far beyond an introductory level.

If you decide to pursue the career, be sure to take on a personal project on the side. For the first 6 months of college, the entire programming thing just didn't click for me. At the time I was really into "acquiring" movies, so I decided to write a little app that would let me track the stuff I had and the stuff I wanted. Doing that taught me MANY valuable lessons and really brought into perspective all of the concepts that the professors had been trying to drive home. It didn't make me an expert or anything, but it provided the platform I needed to grow.

I eventually started work during my second year of college and learned an exponential amount more. It was only a small start up, but I was responsible for a lot and thus had to internalize and learn a lot very quickly. This gave me an even greater platform to continue to learn and grow. Take every opportunity that comes at you to grow your skills because programming is all about applying your knowledge. Reading books and doing assignments is great, but it will never flex your mind in quite the way applying yourself to a project will.

The bottom line is this: if you want to be a great programmer/game designer and dedicate yourself wholly to it, you will be. If you want to learn more and actively pursue knowledge, you will learn more. The more you love this craft, the better you'll continue to get at it, guaranteed. Every single impediment you encounter is really just a challenge that will grow you.

Given the passion I've seen you exude, I have no doubt that you'll do great as game designer/programmer.

What's Your Favorite Gaming Controller? (BaD 14)

Posted on 02/21/2014 at 11:58 AM | Filed Under Blogs

The Wii U Pro Controller. That thing is a dream. It's like the GameCube controller perfected.

BaD #13 Backloggery, Comics, and A Nothing

Posted on 02/21/2014 at 10:23 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I can definitely start working in some of that. I'm actually planning a pretty big overhaul to the Collection tool - I'm guessing you're not the only one who didn't notice it. It's fairly inconspicuous and it's not tied into the rest of the site much.

BaD #13 Backloggery, Comics, and A Nothing

Posted on 02/21/2014 at 09:56 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Just curious since I see you guys using Backloggery - any suggestions for PixlBit's Game Collection stuff that I can add to make it more robust/enticing to use?

Kong a Day #19 - Shhhh

Posted on 02/21/2014 at 09:39 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Beyond BaD

Posted on 02/20/2014 at 02:40 PM | Filed Under Blogs

We should keep the party going over in the forums after BaD! I kind of fell off the BaDwagon due to my kids being horrendously sick (and now me too, hooray!), but I hope to jump back in soon and finish this up with you guys.

What's Strangest Game You Ever Played? (BaD 13)

Posted on 02/19/2014 at 09:54 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Stretch Panic... or maybe Muscle March... or Cho Aniki. Yeah, any of those will do.


Posted on 02/19/2014 at 04:31 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Love EDF... hoping we get a review copy, because this series is so great in co-op. I'm still sad that Zangeki no Reginleiv never came here and nobody got to play it. It's basically EDF with swords and is also fantastic.

Super BaD Controls

Posted on 02/19/2014 at 09:23 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Looks like that Dualshock got an STD.

3D Sonic the Hedgehog Review

Posted on 02/18/2014 at 02:37 PM | Filed Under Review

Man, it's hard to pit almost any platformer against Super Mario World. What an absolutely phenomenal game - it's probably my favorite 2D entry in the series (yes, SMW > SMB3).

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