That's Save Ferris...another one of the favorites.
This is Dance Hall Crashers
That's Save Ferris...another one of the favorites.
This is Dance Hall Crashers
I agree, and Hollywood tends to do that especially in the film. There's a scene but I don't want to give spoilers but you do have some sympathy for Larry. I think I've seen parts of the A&E special, but I'm not sure.
There is a ton of games to play on PS+. I hope you're hitting download and once it starts, hit cancel so it can be in your history just in case Sony removes them.
I need to get a bigger memory stick so I can have some of these Vita games without having to constantly move things around.
Haha, man my spelling was kind of close. I added to many T's.
I miss the blank tapes and hitting record & pause when copying stuff off the radio
JJ Fad is a one hit wonder female rap group and the song was so big for us is because the local radio station would play the hell out of it.
Oh Dance Hall Crashers...love this group. They're a ska band from the bay, and their second live album was the CD that never left my car.
Conquest is the song USC plays after their fight song after they score a touchdown. It doesn't get annoying as their fight song, but it has that Roman Conquering Hero vibe.
Bread's song was in the Lays commercial where a lady is getting a manicure and sees a women eating a bag of Lays and has chips all over her hands.
From what I remember from that film, it was an interesting but a sad tale about Larry's life.
Man 4-5 hours of sleep? I hope you at least mix in a power nap at some point in the day.
I'm having the same problem with Pokemon X. I don't know where I am supposed to go so I'm just leveling up my team
Will do! The iPod needs to be updated either today or tomorrow so I might give my thoughts on it in my next Quick Hits Blog
Pixlbit should have a join date in our profile...I might use my Birthday option for this.
The community is best part about having blogs. Communicating with others, finding new games/music/and other media is what makes places like Pixlbit tick.