I've never played any of those with the exception of Final Fantasy XII, and I never beat it either. I got to the very end and I quit.
I've never played any of those with the exception of Final Fantasy XII, and I never beat it either. I got to the very end and I quit.
This came out nearly two years ago it's nice to see at least one of these games are getting the HD treatment!
Now if we could only see some of the others come along...
I definitely want to give it a try at some point! However, I'm pretty wrapped up with the Uncharted saga right now and following up will be Resistance, so I have quite a full plate on my hands!
Hmm.. It's hard to tell with two different models moving. Would've been easier with side-by-side still shots.
Still though, you can kind of tell the difference. Thanks for the followup!
Thanks Tami!!!
Seems like people are trusting of my opinions, I just hope I'm able to bear the weight and give the best review possible!
From what I've been seeing, the combat is very fluid and dynamic (Seeing and playing are entirely different though). The atmosphere from the gameplay footage also looks and feels dense to me, it's not only darker but also seems to be a barren-future. We shall see though, I'm getting ancy!
I shall not deny you your victory, lol
I've been playing Playstation ever since the X1 reveal, so I wasn't hating on your victory, just saying that it should be taken with a grain of salt!
Also, welcome to Pixlbit! I hope you enjoy your stay bud!
I've never been too keen on Google+. I've never liked linking the accounts either, and I actually made a secondary account with a fake name just for privacy.
You say that Uncharted is like Indiana Jones, but as I played I felt as if it were more along the lines of National Treasure with more guns and less Nicholas Cage (Thank God). Of course, my only experience so far has been with the first Uncharted game, I have the rest of trilogy on standby though!!
Looks really cool! I was actually checking out Disgaea 4 the other day, but I didn't pick it up. I'm curious though, do the games (sequels) follow one another story-wise, or are they entirely new tales?
I imagine they're new stories that don't follow one another, but I'm just curious!