I had a great time with Gravity Rush too. I think I finished it in like two sittings. Very well thought out world
I had a great time with Gravity Rush too. I think I finished it in like two sittings. Very well thought out world
This^ haha. And to think I was so excited when I downloaded Hitman....
Good to hear. Hopefully it drags me in like KOTOR2 has.
EDIT: your Xbox dying is not good obviously
I remember my neighbour making such a big deal of it before release. I didn't follow EGM but i'm not surprised. It's strange you don't generally hear Jade Empire coming up more often when people discuss Bioware. It seems to be well liked by most.
According to howlongtobeat, the main game takes 15 and a half hours, completionist at 29 hours. I'll probably go over that aswell. I generally rather turn based combat so this type of games suits me down to the ground.
Yeah, makes it look dated now. I'm glad these exclusive third party games are generally "timed"
Yeah i'm looking forward to it. I remember it being similar in gameplay to KOTOR and the fact that it's a Bioware game makes it hard to lose
Now THAT would be a wardrobe malfunction. Amirite??? haha
Oh no doubt he's still ripped. Absolutely. I just don't want him to become a caricature of a rocker is his later career. I have too much respect for their music to want that.
I heard the Bravely Default demo is original content not in the final game. I think it unlocks some things too if you complete so might be an idea...
I'm glad to hear your gout is getting better. My dad gets it bad at times so I have some understanding of how uncomfortable it can be.