we have one or two Pho restaurants here, but I don't think it's caught on as much as it should have. That stuff is delicious.
we have one or two Pho restaurants here, but I don't think it's caught on as much as it should have. That stuff is delicious.
this surprises me, being as the Fisher King is closely tied to grail lore.
I need to give Ultimate Spidey a chance...possibly while my son's at school lol. That Vietnamese sandwich sounds delicious. I don't think we have anything like that around these parts....funny, too. I'm only about an hour and a half away from Los Angeles.
I have never seen The Fisher King, but I remember my mom once mentioning it when I was still pretty young. Does it have anything to do with the holy grail or a grail quest?
I have Rogue Legacy on PC. I've only played a few minutes of it, and so far it's looking like something I'm going to really enjoy. I thought I had a controller lined up for myself, but I thought wrong...so I played those few minutes with a keyboard. Biiiig mistake lol.
Gonna buy the Super Nintendo-looking USB gamepad off Wal Mart's website sometime this week...it's looking like it'll be 6 bucks and shipping.
Glad you're enjoying that PS4, brother!
I agree with you on some of this, Master. Especially about that misleading Aaron Paul X1 commercial.
It does seem like Sony's slaughtering its competition like so many cows in an abbatoir...but time will tell.
I recall having a bit of trouble in the Penguin portion of Origins....I can't recall what that trouble was though.
That pizza sounds damned good. What was the toppings on Donny's pizza? I'm curious to know what that Pizza Hut (?) thinks should be on a smart person's pie lol
that's exactly the model I'm gonna get for my son in a week or two. Gonna keep his busted 3ds XL for myself and get it fixed one of these days!
I was never able to really get into Tekken; a lot of my family members who game like it though. I must be missing out!