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smartcelt's Comments - Page 58

smartcelt's Gamertag to face

Posted on 05/14/2013 at 02:18 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I fit into mine well because it's so adjustable[outwards!] that it's unreal. If I lose a bunch of weight it will be tough,though. Would have to get it altered a bit.

The More Things Change...

Posted on 05/14/2013 at 02:15 PM | Filed Under Blogs

As games get more cinematic and more money is involved the stakes get higher. Game companies often treat their game as if they were films. Thing is...we already have a film industry! Gameplay is what matters to me. I used to have a collection of game magazines until it got too gigantic. Took up so much room it was a pain. So what I did was go through each one and clip out art,codes,useful info and pictures. Found out the mags were about 70% ads most of the time. But I miss the days when I would look forward to each coming issue. Now it's all at our fingertips online,so it lost some of the magic.

Gamertag to Face

Posted on 05/14/2013 at 02:01 PM | Filed Under Blogs

She's back! Hope your prom goes smoothly and you have fun.And congrats on your pending graduation,too. Great pics of you,btw. You're pretty smiling or not,so it's okay. As for Bioshock Infinite,I finished it recently and it still resonates in my mind. Such a powerful narrative and awesome characters. More games like that one are needed i think. I though of one question for you. Do people ever give you crap for being a female gamer? Like it really matters? To non-gamers it sometimes becomes an issue as they don't understand much about games.And why girls like to play them,too.

Gamertag to Face + Dark Souls Video Update (Kinda)

Posted on 05/14/2013 at 01:31 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Great pics of you and your family there. You do take good drunken photos! You look halfway sober in that one. I think you are one of those guys who can do facial hair well. I am definitely NOT. It makes me look like an insane vagrant with his mad on! That sucks about your work spying on your FB page. I have heard of people getting fired for stuff they posted on Facebook that was critical of their bosses. Lighten up people!

Dark a new game coming from Kalypso and Atlus

Posted on 05/14/2013 at 01:25 PM | Filed Under Blogs

This looks incredible. I love anything to do with vampires,on TV,in movies,books,you name it. We need more scary games that do not suck,you know? If Atlus is involved that just seals the deal....I'm in!

Gamertag to Face

Posted on 05/14/2013 at 01:22 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Meat and taters! Yummy...looks good. So do you! Good picture of you and good to put a face to your words. I just did one of these blogs myself. Rodney,aka leeradical started the ball rolling with this idea. Glad that others are doing it as well. 

Cary's Top Five Favorite Star Trek Characters!

Posted on 05/13/2013 at 06:27 PM | Filed Under Blogs

My parents were so into the original series and TNG. We watched tons of it,so I guess it grew on me. Tribbles! Who could forget those furry buggers. My favorite character on the original show was Scotty. He was brash and liked to fight! And drink some whisky now and then,too. Homelessrook beat me to it on the 7 of 9 thing. Thought I was gonna look knowledgeable on Star Trek,which I certainly am not! Now Star Wars is entirely a different matter. I know my stuff in that arena. My favorite Star Trek villain would have to be Khan. That was my favorite film in the group,too. The Wrath Of Khan.

I got Persona 4 Arena: Limited Edition Today

Posted on 05/13/2013 at 06:18 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The game stuff you see in the UK is awesome. I love buying the imported game magazines you have there. So big and colorful,with great humor and good writers,too. Having that soundtrack on vinyl is too cool!


Posted on 05/13/2013 at 06:14 PM | Filed Under Blogs

What a great deal! I've actually been playing the demo on Steam and love it. So even if I miss out on the deal I know I will be getting it soon.

METAL MONDAY! Cathedral: The Last Spire Reveiw.

Posted on 05/13/2013 at 06:07 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I will look into that. I got to see Dimmu Borgir play here in Tulsa. It was such an epic show for the Cain's Ballroom. We are not used to having a Norwegian black metal band come here to the Bible Belt! They were so intense onstage,yet they made sure to interact with us frequently.

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