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Cary Woodham's Comments - Page 588

Cary's Top Five Favorite Video Game Squids and Octopi

Posted on 07/18/2015 at 03:42 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah a lot of RPGs use squids and octopuses as bosses.  The second main boss in FF4 comes to mind.

My Fantasy Animal Crossing Life, and other bits 'n pieces

Posted on 07/18/2015 at 03:40 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I should probably stay away from Fantasy Life, seeing how bad I get with Animal Crossing.  Are you going to get the new AC game coming out: Happy Home Designer?

Retro Game of the Week: Game & Watch Gallery 2

Posted on 07/18/2015 at 03:32 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I LOVE the Game & Watch Gallery games!  I wish they would make more of them (I think WarioWare kind of replaced them, though).  Did you know the G&W Gallery games were made by TOSE?  They also did Starfy, and a bunch of other games, too.  TOSE is always kind of 'behind the scenes.'

I apologize if I sound cocky, but if I am reading your description of Chef correctly, you might not be playing it right.  You're not supposed to flip the food until it burns.  You're supposed to flip it until it's cooked (darker shade than original, but not as dark as being burned).  Then you DON'T flip it and let Yoshi catch it and eat it.  You'll earn lots of points by feeding him cooked food instead of raw or burnt food.  And eventually, he'll lay an egg and it'll turn into a baby Yoshi, grow up, and then that will be the Yoshi you feed!  You get lots of points by doing that, so try playing it that way next time you play it.

I just mentioned one of the Game & Watch Gallery games on my new blog, too!  What a coincidence!

(I love that bottom picture where Bowser is tickling Toad)

(And I really like the music in the DK game)

Cary's Top Five Favorite Video Game Squids and Octopi

Posted on 07/18/2015 at 07:50 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Is that their only purpose in the game?  To give you ink?

1992: Film and a Game Advert

Posted on 07/18/2015 at 07:49 AM | Filed Under Blogs

While you're in the 90's, you'll have to watch Mystery Science Theater 3000 sometime, too.

Cary's Top Five Favorite Video Game Squids and Octopi

Posted on 07/17/2015 at 06:59 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I know Ultros is an enemy you can fight in the Theatrhythm games, and that he's a summon in the FF Dissidia games, but that's all I know.  I hope someone who has played the more recent FF games can come forth and let us know if Ultros is in any other games.  By the way, if you have a PSP, you should get the Dissidia games, they're really good!

Cary's Top Five Favorite Video Game Squids and Octopi

Posted on 07/17/2015 at 07:33 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I knew about Octodad a long time ago, too, because my brother Jeff kept up with indie PC games like that.

I just thought of another cool video game squid: Ikachan, which was the 'prequel' to Cave Story.

Cary's Top Five Favorite Indie Game Characters!

Posted on 07/17/2015 at 05:33 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Oh cool, if you can play The Maw on Steam, too, then that's good.

1992: Books and a Game Pickup

Posted on 07/16/2015 at 08:23 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The Mega Man Anniversary Collection was great.  There is a new one coming out called the Mega Man Legacy Collection, but it will only have 1 to 6.  Why less games?  I don't know.

I'm actually thinking about starting a podcast with my brothers.

The Mini-Games of Splatoon!

Posted on 07/13/2015 at 07:48 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah Nintendo can be pretty creative when they want to be.

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