Spiderpup...Spiderpup. Does whatever a spiderpup does.
Spiderpup...Spiderpup. Does whatever a spiderpup does.
I had that game before. I had a hard time getting into it. I used to hear not-so-good things about it. But in more recent years, I've seen very positive reviews of this game. Maybe I'll try it out again sometime later.
Wow. Filming has come a long way.
Dude, this post reminds me of why I'm thankful to have Taito Legends 1 & 2. I'm hearing the Cleopatra Fortune music in my head right now. You're right, it can get a little hecktic fairly quickly, but man, I love the gameplay overall.
I enjoy Don Doko Don as well, but probably not quite as much and you do. I just don't find myself excited to play it sometimes. However, the music is pretty catchy.
Elevator Action Returns is one of my favorites on the collection. They did a great job modernizing the gameplay elements (for it's time) without over-complicating matters. Very fun game!
Darius Gaiden and G-Darius are very enjoyable for me too. I just wish I could find the motivation to play them to completion.
Cool! I checked out the Sparkle Fandango show with Mirror's Edge. Loved that whole thing about "vomit button". Makes me laugh every time.
I also saw the ActRaiser episode. Kristin seems cool. I like her.
I just thought of this today-- I'd like to hear NWP's thoughts about "Geekdom" and/or "Nerdism" and how it became its own trend. So much so, to the point where people who previously wouldn't dare be described as a "nerd" now seek geek cred. And it all over the place now.
The way I see it, true nerdsgeeks really didn't describe themselves as such (back in the day)-- they were given those labels by the "cool kids" and jocks. Those who were called nerds more or less thought of themselves as an adverage person who just happens to have a liking for [insert hobby here] but wasn't interested in necessarily categorizing himselfherself apart from regular people.
Anyway, I'd like to hear your thoughs from the perspective of a gamer and a true nerd.
I've only seen clips of Community, but I know it's an awesome show. I'd rather watch that than watch Big Bang Theory. Community does well at accentuating geek-dom without the off-putting snark of Big Bang.
Val Kilmer did "okay" as Batman. But he was really boring...especially as Bruce Wayne. He had the looks but not the personality in the movie.
Dang...that's tough man. Happy to hear that the wifey enjoys gaming with you though. Must be nice.
I don't think I've ever haerd of this guy before. Interesting track though.