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Nick DiMola's Comments - Page 63

Defending Kojima: Someone has to!

Posted on 09/11/2013 at 07:14 AM | Filed Under Blogs

This whole thing is just the latest soapbox for gaming journalists to hop up on. They'll prove how mature games are by shaming everyone out of producing and liking scantily clad women in games if it's the last thing they do!

Quite honestly, all of this feels like some greater leveraged attack on Japanese games. All generation I've been hearing from countless games journalists how Japanese games need to become more like Western games and how Japanese games aren't innovative. Of course, now Japanese games are disgusting and perverted, so there's another reason nobody should like to play them.

I'm sorry to inform these writers, but nearly 100% of what I enjoy in gaming comes from Japanese companies. I like the crazy, over-the-top characters (sexy and scantily clad or not). I like the insane, ridiculous stories. I like the fact that Japanese devs can have fun with their games and make them fun, while subtly embedding social commentary.

As gaming becomes more and more of a mainstream pastime, it becomes less and less palatable for me. I've grown so tired of the countless internet arguments over complete and utter bullshit. I play games to have fun. I don't want every game to be serious, I don't want every game to have a "deep narrative," and I don't want everything to be realistic. So a sniper in the desert is wearing almost no clothes - who cares! I don't care to think about the implications of that because it's irrelevant to the narrative of the game.

I feel like there's only one response left to all of these individuals - if you don't agree with the game on a moral basis, don't buy it, don't play it, and certainly don't leverage its content to achieve hits on your website. I'd like to see more Jenn Franks out there who want to affect change in a positive way that's not simply complaining on a blog to "rally the troops." It's all lip service for hits - I just wish more people would see it.

Pixel Art Mosaics Invade North Texas

Posted on 09/10/2013 at 09:35 AM | Filed Under Feature

I love this scavenger hunt! Can't wait to see the other ones you guys found.

Gamestop Right or Wrong

Posted on 09/06/2013 at 06:10 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I've done that more times than I can count, Rodney. I've even gone in with my copy of the game and receipt and asked them if I could swap it for a complete version. They gladly do it for me without issue.

I'm actually stalking down a complete copy of Infinite Undiscovery right now because the version I got from GameStop is in a broken generic case and I hate those damn things with a passion.

My Top 10 Futurama Episodes

Posted on 09/04/2013 at 09:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Man, I'm so bummed that Futurama is ending again. Nice list - I always have a hard time ordering my favorites because I like so many of them so much. The time machine episode from the new episodes comes to mind as one of my favorites for sure.

I guess we'll see how it ends tonight and if the production crew manages to stand up the show somewhere else in the near future.

Addicted to Persona IV

Posted on 09/04/2013 at 06:23 AM | Filed Under Blogs

In my opinion, better than 4, but they're both really similar and really great.

Before we started PixlBit, Chessa and I recorded a podcast at Nintendo World Report about P3:FES with my friend and Contributing Writer here, Jason Hillhouse. If you've got some time to burn and want to hear 40 minutes worth of thoughts over drinks - check it out.

Keiji Inafune announces Not Mega Man

Posted on 09/03/2013 at 07:02 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Doesn't look like they need my money for this one. I'll probably just buy it when it (hopefully) hits the Wii U eShop.

New 2DS a Tough Sell for Nintendo

Posted on 09/01/2013 at 01:46 PM | Filed Under Feature

As a parent of an almost 3 year old, I'm really digging the 2DS. My son really manhandles the current 3DS, which keeps me from letting him touch it. However, I think when the time is right, I'll be grabbing him a 2DS because it seems sturdier and less capabale of snapping right in half.

I think selling the system alongside Pokemon X & Y is genius and I'm guessing it's going to do quite well. I also think that the system is going to generate some serious confusion with parents and it's going to be a nightmare for retail employees to properly educate them.

Of course, I can't see into the future and neither can Dan - it could really go either way. Everybody has their own take on this news (because it is kind of strange, if nothing else), so I'm glad Dan was able to offer up his viewpoint in this editorial.

Ill Be Joining The Wii U World Again

Posted on 08/30/2013 at 04:46 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Ganondorf figurine made getting WWHD a lock. Damn you, Nintendo!

I'm looking forward to playing it again though. It's been a decade, so it's due time I went another round with Wind Waker.

Pikmin 3 Review

Posted on 08/30/2013 at 10:12 AM | Filed Under Review

If you couldn't tell from my gushing review and avatar, I really like Pikmin. It's a great series with a ton of personality. If you have a Wii, you might want to check out the New Play Control versions of 1 and 2. They are infinitely better with the Wii Remote, just like this one.

So yes, I definitely recommend you check out something in the series. 3 is probably the most polished from a gameplay perspective, but like I mentioned, it feels a bit rushed at the end.

So The Wii U WILL Get A Price Cut

Posted on 08/29/2013 at 04:02 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I won't argue for a minute that the HDD it comes with is big enough. It's not. However, I'd much rather plug in an external HDD because it's much easier and space/power strip constraints aren't a concern for me.

That being said, I don't think the Wii U's approach to storage is a step back. I do think they undershot the amount to include on board, but supporting any off-the-shelf external HDD is, in my opinion, a much more user-friendly option.

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