This whole thing is just the latest soapbox for gaming journalists to hop up on. They'll prove how mature games are by shaming everyone out of producing and liking scantily clad women in games if it's the last thing they do!
Quite honestly, all of this feels like some greater leveraged attack on Japanese games. All generation I've been hearing from countless games journalists how Japanese games need to become more like Western games and how Japanese games aren't innovative. Of course, now Japanese games are disgusting and perverted, so there's another reason nobody should like to play them.
I'm sorry to inform these writers, but nearly 100% of what I enjoy in gaming comes from Japanese companies. I like the crazy, over-the-top characters (sexy and scantily clad or not). I like the insane, ridiculous stories. I like the fact that Japanese devs can have fun with their games and make them fun, while subtly embedding social commentary.
As gaming becomes more and more of a mainstream pastime, it becomes less and less palatable for me. I've grown so tired of the countless internet arguments over complete and utter bullshit. I play games to have fun. I don't want every game to be serious, I don't want every game to have a "deep narrative," and I don't want everything to be realistic. So a sniper in the desert is wearing almost no clothes - who cares! I don't care to think about the implications of that because it's irrelevant to the narrative of the game.
I feel like there's only one response left to all of these individuals - if you don't agree with the game on a moral basis, don't buy it, don't play it, and certainly don't leverage its content to achieve hits on your website. I'd like to see more Jenn Franks out there who want to affect change in a positive way that's not simply complaining on a blog to "rally the troops." It's all lip service for hits - I just wish more people would see it.