Was it the scooter one?
Was it the scooter one?
To be fair macklemore is terrible.
Yeah I like Cannibal Ox, though I felt like their new album was a bit of a letdown. I don't like a lot of modern hip hop, though I'd suggest checking out milo and seeing if that does anything for you since he's really quite different and often closer to spoken word:
I still haven't played a lego game. I should probably get around to that.
I usually love dumb movies, but Jurassic World didn't land for me for some reason. Don't know why.
Okay, yeah, I more meant the game fell apart than the plot. I mean each to their own, I just fucking love Uncharted 4, and I think we went into it looking for different things and that's kind of why we get different things out of it. I never cared about the overarching plot as much as I care about the character interactions, which is why I really enjoyed the slower moments. I also liked that there was much less combat than prior titles and I could just enjoy hanging out with these characters.
Your opinion is wrong.
I haven't finished it yet (finished episode 5 I think?) because my internet has been turned off for about a week now and I just got it back.
I'm playing it on hard, but not survival. I go through and retry it on the survival and see if I like any more. Though, since there actually a ton of combat in it until the halfway mark, I feel like it won't actually improve things that much.
Again, I disagree somewhat. This game is definitely more about character than plot. It's a game mostly about character. It's about Nathan's obsession with not falling back into his past obsessions, which is why he lies to Elena who he knows would be okay with what he's doing for the reasons he's doing it. He hides it from her because he's scared if he doesn't, they'll end up falling back into this life and things will end the way they always do, with them splitting up. Then maybe there won't be another chance like she's been giving him all this time.
The game is about Nathan being scared about his brother going through the same obsession he is, and also that it may be dragging him back into it. The main plot ultimately doesn't matter because this is a game about obsession and family, and it actually follows through on those themes unlike Uncharted 3.
Again, I honestly feel like it has the best "story" of all the Uncharted games, including 2. 2 may be the best, but it also falls apart at the end, which is exactly where Uncharted 4 is at it's best. It's far from perfect, but I think it is a much deeper story than what we've seen previously, and far more character driven than you give it credit for.
Uncharted is a video game though. You play through pretty much all of the spectacle in a way that isn't simply a QTE, which is more than I can say fo Tomb Raider. When something exiting is happening, it's always a shitty quick time event, or something close to a shitty quick time event.
Uncharted will have you shooting dudes and platforming while a building is collapsing around you, or it will have you leaping from one vehicle to the next in an extended gunfight. Tomb Raider will have you fall down a slope and press 'x' occasionally.
And yeah, Uncharted's story's are pretty shit, but the character interactions are pretty solid, especially in the new one.
That said, I'd rather have a game thoroughly entertain me in its story than thoroughly bore me on all fronts.