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Machocruz's Comments - Page 63

Fuck Context Sensitive Buttons

Posted on 10/19/2014 at 03:38 PM | Filed Under Blogs

A lof of defenders of sloppy design around here. Note how its a problem that really rears its ugly head in 7th generation game design, the same generation where we saw a shift away from game mastery and torwards "experiences."  It's also a classic case of "follow the leader." Hey, this monetarily successfull game did it this way, so we will too, regardless of its functional practicality or suitability. The funny thing is that these context sensitive actions don't enable any actions that we haven't been able to execute before. 

The Evil Within does the same thing, and it makes the game a chore to play on the higher difficult settings.  Since your average person doesn't play a lot of games at a higher level, they don't see how these little things stack up into big things.

Assassin's Creed Unity Has No Consistency

Posted on 10/15/2014 at 12:05 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Also, video games don't have the physical limitations of filmmaking, so developers can make a game look "cinematic" at any framerate, by using motion blur, depth-of-field effects, low resolution elements, by attenuating movement speed of characters and objects, etc.  

What's more, I think people should be concerned that game companies are being outright dishonest by claiming they are capping framerates to achieve film aesthetic. Or that they are ignorant of their own medium, take your pick.

My Three Top Picks for Flight Sims on the PS3

Posted on 10/01/2014 at 08:10 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Didn't even know last gen consoles even had hardcore flight sims. How well do they control with a gamepad?

Best Games of the Decade: 2000

Posted on 10/01/2014 at 06:45 PM | Filed Under Blogs

"I know that compared to the other games on this list, this game isn't anywhere near as revolutionary, deep, or, hell, even good. "

Actually, the game mechanics are deeper than some games on your list. Certainly Banjo Tooie, FF9, and RE:CV. Certainly more revolutionary than a collectathon "flatformer" (one of the laziest game designs ever) and a JRPG whose claim to fame is that it resembles older JRPGs (but still a great game, don't get me wrong).

I took a chance on THPS2, not being interested in such a game at the time, but was rewarded for doing so. It lived up to the enormous hype at the time. 

I also have to defend the Sims as a game that doesn't need qualification.  Another game that is deeper and more complex than other games on this list. I'd say most of them, actually.  Any developer can make a game where you shoot people or hack them with swords, or jump on things and collect other things.  But to craft a feature packed life sim requires higher thinking and greater observational skills, as far as I'm concerned, especially when no one else was really doing it.

The freedom to create without hate!

Posted on 09/22/2014 at 08:03 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Wasn't implying you were a hack.  I'm referring to something like game developers who go for these serious, "epic" settings and narratives, yet they'll have female warriors wearing high heels and metal thong armor, or dudes walking around with oiled pecs and huge jaggy swords.  The pieces don't fit. 

The freedom to create without hate!

Posted on 09/22/2014 at 03:28 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Context is important. I often use literature as a comparison, so let me do that here: if you're making a video game adaptation of a Mark Twain or Hemingway novel, you would be remiss to design your characters to look and prance around like swim wear models. If you were adapting Tolkien, you woud be remiss to dress Eowyin in boob plate. These are writers who try to create plausibility in their stories, whether fantasy or reality based.  But over here you may be adapting a Robert E Howard, swords and sorcery story. Now some of the more decadent imagery would not be so out of place. You would have scantily clad harem girls, guys in loincloths, etc. Even further still you may be going for an over-the-top, this-goes-to-11, Heavy Metal/Simon Bisley/Ralph Bakshi spectacle, or some kind of over the top farcical setting, where things are as sexy as can be, grotesque as can be, manic as can be, etc.  

The sign of an informed artist is they know the difference. Hacks don't and try to justify their questionable work by saying "sex sells" or "that wouldn't be realistic."  I myself like to see a variety of characters in my entertainment: beautiful people, ugly people, average people, young, old,  etc. So sex doesn't sell to me, but it can be a nice touch here and there, just like violence, humor, drama - these things make art interesting to me.  That's my personal preference for story and entertainment. Some like pure balls out exploitation more. Some want pure realism. As long as the concept and content are consistent, I don't see a problem.

My Top Picks on Android & ios Games

Posted on 09/19/2014 at 03:46 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Mobile games have come a long way. I wouldn't mind you doing a regular showcase for these kinds of games.

#gamergate Ben's story

Posted on 09/19/2014 at 03:45 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I agree.  I never bother with their reviews anyway.  Any place that gives Godhand a 3 is diametrically opposed to my tastes.

FFXV: It's Real!?

Posted on 09/19/2014 at 03:44 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Nomura sucks cocks. No wonder this game actually looks decent: he's not involved anymore. Sure the host club characters are obviously his doing, but the Bro'd Trip vibe balances out his fashion disaster tendencies.  Nice to see SE making a little bit of a comeback with the Bravely games and (hopefully) this.

#gamergate Ben's story

Posted on 09/19/2014 at 03:40 AM | Filed Under Blogs

These people are toxic. I think they come from broken families and grew up lacking adult role models to teach   The guys are as emotional and catty as your stereotypical teen girl, which speaks to a lack of male role models. The girls were probably never held responsible for their actions or taught coping skills. Let's be real, the way these people carry themselves does not speak well of their breeding. They are 20-30 year olds with an emotional age of 16.  I suspect their lives are going to be filled with otherwise avoidable discontent and tribulations until the day they die.  I wouldn't take anything they say anymore seriously than I would the whining of a child.

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