I was considering getting NCAA 14 since EA is struggling to keep all the team and conference licenses. Not sure if this will be the final "full" version to come out for a while.
I was considering getting NCAA 14 since EA is struggling to keep all the team and conference licenses. Not sure if this will be the final "full" version to come out for a while.
It was definitely ok enough. It just got boring to me, especially the boss battles.
Despite your warnings I can't help but want to try this. I guess I should wait for a sale.
Same here! I had played tons on Atari and in the arcade, but most couldn't be finished. Well, I finished Adventure on easy probably 50 times before Zelda, but that takes about five minutes so it probably shouldn't count.
Well, a Surface would probably work. You'd have to double check...
Spartan Assault will only work on Windows 8 crud like my phone and not on an iPad. So, no need to buy one of those!
Oh, I agree! Nothing beats Lego for quality. I'm just saying Nintendo is apparently willing to sell their license for this stuff. Marvel started with Mega Bloks and later switched to Lego, so there's hope!
I like the old and new ways. I think the sets tied to properties can sometimes lead to some cool and unique pieces, but sometimes they are pretty bland. They've had some cool original series lately too, though like Power Miners and Monster Fighters (or something). It is a bit overwhelming to see how many sets are based on movies and stuff, but I think they just have more sets out there than they did in the 80s.
There is a Minecraft Lego set and Nintendo is apparently not too picky since they have Knex (or Mega Blocks) Mario Kart sets out there.
Can you tell I have a kid who is into Lego?
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I grabbed this to prepare for ACV. It probably has the most rudimentary graphics I've ever seen on the 360. I couldn't get into it too much, mainly because of the control set up. ACV made all the right adjustments, though, and I really loved it. I hope you like 4, though. It just wasn't for me.